The cat mount

It’s ok not sure if I would spend $25 for a mount though .

It might have been a cool thing for us to get as part of this years anniversary instead of a shop mount .

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You can buy tokens with gold to get shop bucks.

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Okay… and if you open the shop on the online store, or in the in-game store it says what?

2 5 $

Not… 400,000g.

When in December?

My only complaint is the hobby horse movement of the toon riding it. That motion keeps me from riding a number of mounts in my collection. It’s messes with my eyes and makes me nauseous.

Is there any way to stabilize the riding character please?

You buy two tokens from the AH with about 400k Gold.

You convert them to BNet Balance. You now have $30 in Bnet balance.

Then, when you go to the shop, and purchase the mount, it lets you use that Blizzard Balance. And you have 5 bucks left in your balance.

Voila! 400k gold bought your mount, without spending cash.

It isn’t difficult.


If you buy a WoW Token, for 209,678 gold (at this moment), you can get a $15 credit to you Blizzard balance. Buy 2, 419,356 gold, and you will have a $30 balance. You then apply $25 of that balance to the Kitty Kat mount.

Many WoW players understand this relationship between WoW Tokens and Shop Dollars. Thousands of them use it to buy game time every month, I’m sure thousands more will use it to buy this mount.

And, in fact, when people do buy the mount this way, Blizzard gets even more money, since someone had to buy that token for $20 real cash money. So, in the end, Blizzard get $40 in cash and give $5 back in change, like a slick Grifter doing a short con in a dark bar.


If it slow blinked, that would be saying “Love you” in kitty speak and that…would be creepy. It’s just bits. Bits can’t love.

It would have been cool but they made it a store mount, things stop being cool pretty quickly when everyone and their grandma is riding around on it because they spent some money.


It’s cool no matter how many there are. I know lots of folks who are outright gifting them to friends, which is very nice kindness – something, not impossible with BOE mounts in the game, but sure a lot more difficult.


Foreshadowing of the new expansion? A land of cats, a cat-like land. ELSWEYR?

This is Blizzard’s way of competing against both FFXIV and ESO.

It is ABSOLUTELY STUPID LOOKING…I just saw one in Oribos and CRINGED at just how stupid this game is getting…UGG ~


Is it a flying mount?

yes it flies.


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Hehe, I’m glad a lot of you are enjoying it too. Although I did just notice it doesn’t blink! lol. The noises it makes are so great, and it totally matches vulpera… I need to unlock them soon. I don’t play horde much but they’d be worth it!

The fact that it’s a cash shop item didn’t even cross my mind, as every game I’ve ever played has had them. Especially coming from ff14, which has a huge cash shop, wow’s seem very small and humble from my perspective LOL.

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Thank you.

I had that problem on the priest’s class mount. Have you ever seen the wobble on that thing? It looks so bad, I never could use it…

I bought it as soon as I saw it

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I love it so much, but store mount so I will have to pass unless it goes on sale for like 75% off. Maybe we’ll see recolours in game like with the fox? I would love a grey tabby version since my kitty is one

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