The cat mount

gonna pass on this, sure its a nice look but I don’t see myself ever using it

now that’s a mount I haven’t seen in awhile.

I bought it right away and I’m happy with it!


Lets do everything except fix Shadowlands content. New mounts should be a side content not the main one.

Shadowlands needs repairs as in adding content to it. How long will you forsake this expansion?

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Should of waited for Dec mounts go on sale every dec

yeah, but then i wouldn’t have it until December

I am a major cat person, and I absolutely adore this mount. The animations are so cute. Have been dealing with a failing hard drive all day, otherwise I’d have it in my collection right now! Will probably buy it tomorrow. xD

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Finally, a good fluffy red/orange flying mount for red and orange Vulperas.

I prefer to stick to lore-appropriate creatures but may have to use this guy - with a fitting backstory, of course!

(Maybe a mage supersized a kitten, or it’s a super rare breed of desert cat. Hmm…)


No all of them do. And usually the brand new ones don’t.

they did last year,

Then spend 400,000 gold on it.


The “cash shop” is literally a real life currency shop.

It is 25 USD, not 400,000g.

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I like the desert cat idea! Good for vulpera RP. :slight_smile:

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actually you can you buy two wow tokens which convert to 30 dollars in bnet therefore 400000 gold

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i just wish it blinked. kind of weird :thinking:

except when you open the S H O P it is listed at 25$… not 400,000g.

So what do you think people are going to use? 25$, not 400,000g.


Instantly snatched up :heart:

Amazing!! Bought for myself and gifted 4 to friends :slight_smile:

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That’s very weird if it doesn’t blink.

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That’s usually the case with mid expansion mounts.