"The cat mount is too out of place and not real for Warcraft."

Yeah I think I need to buy a cat pet from the shop to get up to 20 cats for that pet achieve. (Plus I gotta go do the MoP stuff to get Xu Fu.) I just… don’t want to spend the money. lol)

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Did you get all the Hallow’s End cats? And the Stormwind kitten?

I’m pretty sure it’s possible to hit 20 without a store cat pet, but I was too impatient though and bought two of them last year.

Came back to the game after a move just two days ago and got that last Hallow’s End cat pet on the last day. /flex Crazy Cat titles unite!

If you ever want help with that, hit up the Pet Battle forum, and we’ll get you sorted.

It was the first mount ive ever bought and I don’t think a mount has ever enhanced my game play experience as it does now. I am so in love with my KITTU >’’<

Thanks Blizz :heart:

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I think it’s more that it’s a giant Alice in Wonderland like cat, not that it’s a cat.
It’s also that it’s a normal house cat that looks bigger than all the tigers etc. we have.

I don’t really care about it, but I do think it doesn’t really fit in - same goes for some other mounts like the mouse ones though.

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Mekgineer’s Chopper has entered the chat.

There’s really no need to take these things seriously. Just roast and have fun.

… consider yourself thwapped.

I can beat that everyday …I ride into Battle with a Battle Chicken…Magic Rooster Egg for the win…

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Never,would delete it if I could

What really irks my feathers is that they tend to make these cool new unique looking mounts for the shop and use a lot of reskins (albeit some pretty good looking ones) for in game rewards.

Is that a good thing? Imo it isn’t really. At least provide a version of the shop mount in the game for gold/reputation.

Would it make you feel better to know the cat mount has been in the game files since 8.3?

When compared to the cat skins they have in place for the game this mount seems like it should be a battle pet rather than a rideable mount.

The eyes are too kitten like. I think if they narrowed them and made them smaller it would be more in place. The large eyes seem to be almost blatantly try to evoke empathy from cat lovers.

It’s like a small child with tons of candy trying to get more out of the other parent with the power of cuteness. :roll_eyes:

cackles /10char

Look to this cat for clues about the next xpac, like the vulpine familiar was for SL.

cats rocks socks


As some have pointed out…in game shop mounts are usually a pretty good predictor of the next expansion theme…

To be fair, the cat mount was already in the data files. It’s been there for… a long time.

The Broom not so much. They would have to release a patch to add a permanent broom mount.

So here’s hoping next year. :crossed_fingers:


permanent broom mount would rock

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Not at all. In fact that would be even more obnoxious that we had that model all ready to go and we still haven’t gotten the next mount achievement reward. It could have been this cat model. Or that cat model could have been tied to some other content that would have given players something to work toward. The fact that it’s been in the game files since 8.3 just means that Blizz had even more time to deliver on some of these achievements (mount, pet, toy) and didn’t (still haven’t!). Add to the fact you don’t even get it for having a 6 month sub and it just feels slimy, like a cat dipped in snot.