"The cat mount is too out of place and not real for Warcraft."

This is something I’m seeing thrown around CONSISTENTLY in the mount threads, on wowhead, etc. And I just have to ask:

Is this really the hill you want to die on?

Cats have been in WoW since vanilla, as non-combat pets. This is the same exact world where:

  1. Magic Exists (and seeing as the cat glows…)
  2. There exists Engineering tools that routinely make things grow large.
  3. There are natural things such as Azerite that make things grow.

Meanwhile, you really want to try to say the cat is the most unrealistic in fantasy mounts for Warcraft when mounts such as these exist? Really?

(And all the recolors)

This is just a few of the examples of mounts that are much much much more “out of place” than a Cat. There’s others, like the motorcycles, for instance.

This is honestly the most facepalm worthy argument I’ve seen on these forums. Anyone else wondering what people are thinking?


dog people that hate cats. they just hate to see cat people happy.


They’re just salty because it’s in the cash shop. If it goes on sale for 1/2 (or more) off, I’d get it. I love kitties.


I used to.

I dont now, because if i have to be honest with myself, i dont give a crap what anyone is thinking.


It’s just a weird looking tiger, jeeze y’all no need to make a big deal out of it!

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Yeah, it’s completely inappropriate to release this mount in Shadowlands.

It should have been released back during CATaclysm.

Jeez Bliz, c’mon!


Which makes zero sense.

It’s literally no different than if they had stuck it on a vendor for 420k. You can buy 2 WoW tokens for 420k and voila, you have the mount. (and an extra $5 leftover)

I don’t see them complaining about the fact there’s a mount that costs 2,000,000g, 625,000g, or 333,000g in the game. Lol.

My favorite part in all this is these same people were literally JUST begging Blizzard to add a broom mount into the game permanently.

And a good chunk of them probably voted for the Slime Cat mount. Which would have still been a cat.


Shame on you! You done messed up :zipper_mouth_face:


No one is quitting over a cat mount or a shop mount.


Can you forgive me??


Loves my Magic Rooster Egg mount…


I want a :duck: mount. Already have the Magic :rooster: mount…


People don’t make sense. Some just hate any and every thing in the cash shop for no other reason than it’s in the cash shop. It doesn’t matter if they can use tokens, cash shop is bad periodt to some people.

I agree that it’s dumb. I’d totally get it if it goes on sale for 1 token (I’m a po’ broke noob with a transmog addiction).

Gotta dissagree here. I see plenty of people on this forum that spout ad nauseam about how WoW is not P2W since there’s a step between someone buying a carry with gold and someone buying a token with real money. You can’t have it both ways folks. It’s either P2W or it isn’t.

Personally, I think if it was put as something in the game you had to get as a drop or buy off a vendor with grindable tokens or a lot of gold would be a lot more “fitting”. And quite frankly, a lot more “right” gameplay wise. I want to play wow. I want to play wow that gives me rewards. I don’t want to get out my credit card to buy something that cuts that out. It defeats the purpose to a certain extent. I mean, sure you can enjoy it in-game once you have it. But for me, the thrill is the hunt. Not so much once I have it. It’s why the vast majority of mount collectors don’t care about the mounts they have. They only care about the mounts they don’t.

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Having an opinion on something does not equal it being a hill a person is willing to die on. (That would be High Elves, for me)

And my opinion is it is not just a bad mount for WoW, it is a bad mount period.

First off, it is not a cat, it is a kitten.

Second off, it is not so much that it is unrealistic, it is that it does not fit. It is a mishmash of ideas (elegant saddle, cutesy styled animal, yellowish glowing feet, blue glowing outline) attached to a mundane oversized form. Nothing about it fits, not together and not with the aesthetics and theming of WoW.

Personally, I feel like they really scraped the bottom of the creative bucket on this one.


The cat mount just looks out of place and a wasted resource to me which should have been something lore-based, like the $25 Blackhand Orc flying mount from WoD which fits the playable Mag’har Orcs.


I tend to agree but the thread you’re responding to is predicated on an apparent shaky understanding of what aesthetic consistency means…


No, I know exactly what they are thinking. It is easy to figure out, because those people usually have empty heads, until some Streamer fills it with an opinion.

They saw some Streamer make a rant, and they parrot the opinion, without stopping to consider it.

I just was in Oribos and saw that STUPID looking cat mount…How dumb ed down is this game Going ???


But we didn’t get a broom… :sob: