"The cat mount is too out of place and not real for Warcraft."

I was onboard until the carpet mount. I think it fits more than the cat and others.

You know what, I agree. Blizzard needs to devote more resources, as a whole, to the cash shop. Only then will they be making record profits.

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World of Warcraft, where you can run around on a giant kitten but you can’t wear a witches hat or keep a rose in your mouth year around because that’s too silly.

I love my cat mount!!


Riding into battle on a very large housecat, hard to beat that!


It really, REALLY, isn’t. There are other cute, cartoony mounts. Not many, but there are. And a large portion of the time, they’re store mounts.

This style is typically reserved for battle pets, as it’s less invasive to people who like the “War” in Warcraft.

To give you an idea of the other cartoony cute mounts:


Please, feel free to point out exactly how the cat looks out of place in this group.

And in comparison the pets:


There’s a lot more than these, I just chose a few.

But the fact you, and others, seem to think people like me, that love cartoony cute things, shouldn’t have the OCCASIONAL mount thrown our way is honestly rather insulting. This game isn’t all about you and what you like.

I want pink armor, but I can’t get that because Blizzard wants to cater to people who want “MANLY” things.


It’s not a “hill to die on.” It’s an observation about the state of the game, and is an obvious symptom of all the best creatives at Blizzard getting terminated or voluntarily leaving because of the woke crusade happening inside the company. Now Blizz games are made by crazy cat ladies with an agenda. They get the criticism they deserve.

I also think the cat mount has been in the database since the 8.0 patches (one of those) so it’s technically been here a long time.

Best thing that ever happened. Just like the same thing in the world. The more people that mention the words “woke” and “cancel” in their everyday conversation unprompted that are gotten rid of, the better.

I’m just hoping that it will randomly begin to chase players riding Sarge of its own volition. I’d shell out for Kitteh if there was a chance of a Tom & Jerry chase or two.


Everyone goes on how FF is too weeboo cause it has Cat people and Bunny girls, but throw a cute cat mount and it all “ohh it too cute”.

Not only does it look low res but looks like something lifted right out of a Japanese MMO.

Wow players die on every hill :slight_smile:

No, people will like/dislike whatever they want on a whim.

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I think the art style is not fitting to wow. That just says I have the ability to better differentiate art styles. One of the arguments pro cat I read is that there’s literally no difference between a house cat and a wild tiger, that they look exactly the same. Well thanks for proving my point.

I love chicken
I love dinner
Meow Mix Meow Mix
Please deliver!

I’m pretty sure they seem stylewise, they are out of place, as in “it looks like it came from another game”. Not lorewise.

With this said, i do agree with you on with this whole “This looks out of place and not real for warcraft” argument being silly.

It was never a money issue since people have been consistently complaining about the store mounts, as well being financially stable enough to play this game ,and it’s a jerk thing to bring it up as it just divides people into the haves and have nots. :man_facepalming:

I wouldn’t be surprised if you see more “furry”-esque mounts/themes in 10.0 … considering the other big kid on the block.

Vulpera’s are the horde furries. I wouldn’t be surprised if you see the alliance get some cat like race.

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Not surprised they introduced a cat tbh, anything to milk even more money out of whats left of the playerbase

People are always talking about it as if the problem to everyone is being a cat.
I can tell you, me and some other people do not have a problem with the feline condition, just how it is made.
Cats can be made in a cool way.

The problem with WoW cats, it is that they are dumb.

Gonna give you a like. Even though the new kitty isn’t my thing. For some folks though, it’s gonna be cool. So good for them!

I agree with your point, that it’s not worth worrying about. There are plenty of other mounts and goofy things that are kinda “immersion” breaking that are already in the game. I’m not bothered by them, and I’m not bothered by the new kitty mount. (I’m gonna stick with my Swift Mistsaber.) :slight_smile:

Listen, I love the cat mount. I’m probably going to buy it.

But we’ve been asking for a broom mount since like…Burning Crusade.

This stuff is not mutually exclusive. You can want both. /nod

Having said this and stuff about mounts, I’m too tempted by the shop battle pets to buy mounts at present. I’m a druid main and rarely use mounts, anyway.