"The cat mount is too out of place and not real for Warcraft."

The Dreadwake would have been better if it was multi passenger, Flying Carpets makes sense to me because of Tailors.

I mean we get it there are those who really like the cat mount and others who don’t. If you don’t like it don’t buy it

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No. This is why I am officially in support of the OP on this topic. Also, to further share my support of the OP, I have placed a like on the OP itself.

Oomgosh it’s sooooo out of place! I just can’t stand even looking at it!!

/mounts up on a piggy bank

Ridiculous I tell you!


I bought it and I like it lots.


I love it, bought it on the first day with gold. I hope they make a spectral version soon.


Cat haters are just terrible people. :man_shrugging:

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Maybe if it didn’t look so damned cute I’d actually buy it. I’ll stick to my frostsabers, those are the real cat mounts. And the voltron cats, those even fly. :slight_smile:

omg i love it forget adding heritage armor or class sets or even unique non cash shop mounts this is 100% the way to go moar focus on cash shop from teh art team pls

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They said, while owning a number of store mounts.

I was already leaning towards quitting - I intended to let my subscription lapse and keep the game installed with the intention of coming back after the new expansion comes out. When I saw this on the page as I opened the game up it was my decision to uninstall it from my computer - something I haven’t done in 10 years. I have no intention of coming back.

The cat isn’t the reason I’m quitting, though. It’s just the final straw in the face of everything else. They can’t do regular content updates while they rake in millions of dollars in subscription fees a month but they sure as hell can take time to add singular mounts that are half the price of the entire expansion to the game. In a few months time WoW makes more money than most games make in their entire life time but the support and content updates are so incredibly slow and they use so much recycled content that it’s impossible for me to justify spending more time, and more money on the game.

I looked at my playtime and saw I sunk 83 days over the course of a decade into WoW and a lot of the time I was hanging around for a version of WoW I haven’t seen in years, and the current game continually moves further and further away from the original vision of the game so I know those times are never going to come back.

I’m done with this company. :man_shrugging:


Not dying on a hill per se- I have said it looks out of place. By that I don’t mean the concept. Concept’s fine. Something about the art style, or perhaps it is the palette or the textures, that makes it seem like it doesn’t belong, even after I saw it running around in the world.

That being said, I immediately sent my wife the trailer, and will likely buy it for her. If people are enjoying it, that’s cool. That cat’s not my bag.

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pal, im a hunter, i make you die by falling off that hill.

also, i’m pretty sure people mostly dislike it due to the fact that the texture looks like it was a ff14 reject.

I don’t see many people complaining that it’s unrealistic. It is a fantasy game. For me and those I know, the feeling is that it came out of left field. This odd thing, detailed in appearance and behavior, with a visual style that seems from a different game - moreso than many other one-off mounts.

I don’t hate it. I’m not complaining about it. But it is the first mount I’ve seen that left me puzzled.

It is cool, thing won’t be getting any better in game anytime soon.

You forgot that moronic tree mount

Don’t you DARE insult my tentacle monster.

The only reason this mount looks out of place is because it is of higher quality textures as we have consistently seen blizzard makes massive jumps in with shadowlands

I wanted the Caterpillar mount to win…

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Yeah I really wish they would redo the Magic Rooster Egg…with a better resolution to its feathers and markings…

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The carpet makes sense… we’re in a magic world.

Cmon… branch out and ride it.

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