"The cat mount is too out of place and not real for Warcraft."

…except that would be insanely out of place on an Alliance toon.

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It is. But this is still a better “deal” compared to a big eyed cat mount, to say it bluntly.

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A couple of things. First, with the state of the game (lack of content) releasing a store mount just feels off. I get that different departments work of different aspects of the game, and no doubt just like the tree mount, the art department (always amazing) is leaps and bounds ahead of the other teams so they could work on this. But the optics, the way it feels, just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Which leads into the second thing: where the heck is our next mount achievement mount? Next pet achievement pet? Next toy achievement toy? We’ve been waiting for these things for quite some time, and instead of adding in an achievement awarding this (or any mount), it goes to the store. /sigh


Ah, classic whataboutism.

It does look out of place.

A lot of other mounts do too, but this one still does.


The ship mount is very much in place in WoW. It fits with Kul’tirin Lore.

The cat mount not so much unless a mage from Stormwind decided to make one of the Elwynn cats a mount.


It really isn’t.

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Actually, you can.

Consider, I fought through Twisting Corridors for a Maw mount knowing full well it would be moot in, whatever it was when I got it, couple weeks? I didn’t get it because I liked the mount, I got it for its feature of riding in the maw. Well, EVERYONE got that when 9.1 hit. But I did it anyway. I did that and farmed the dust for the other Maw mount.


Because I liked doing it that way.

For most people 400K in gold is work. A lot of time and effort.

Sure, folks on the forums “Oh yea, I farm XXXX zillion gold every hour sitting on the john at home with my smartphone!”. Most, however, don’t.

Lots of folks sunk a lot of time in the game to earn the Auctionasaurus last expansion. Anyone could have dropped a boat load of cash money and outright bought one. In terms of time for dollars (which is what we spend the bulk of our working lives doing), spending money on that mount would have been the smart move. But, most didn’t do that. I’m sure someone did. Most, didn’t.

They “worked” for it. Farming gold in this game IS a second job. You think keeping up with Callings, or Korthia are “chores”, wait until you try serious gold farming.

When a mount shows up on a vendor, folks don’t instantly decry “P2W yo!” Yet, every gold mount in the game can be bought for cash money. But have one show up in the shop and, oh noes!, there go the pitchforks and torches.

Whether you spend 100 hours running Utgarde Keep or a 100 hours tediously listing junk on the AH or clicking boxes on a mission table, it’s still “work” in the game. Just different kinds of work that suit different kinds of people.


I feel like store mounts for the past… well, awhile, have been leaning toward a more “animated” appearance than what actual mounts from the game go for, and it’s weird. Like they have sentience instead of being pieces of carboard, but it’s overdone like Disney stuff.

But it’s, again, only the store stuff, so there’s this weird disconnect IMO. This applies to the cat too.

So, like, in your examples…

I think the Hivemind fits perfectly fine. The mechanics are weird but the appearance is not. The rooster is stupid, but the way its designed doesn’t really look out of place to me, and it’s TCG stuff in the first place, which you have to take with a grain of salt anyway. The flying carpet is pretty typical fantasy stuff at this point.

But then you have the awkward miniature boat (literally looks like a toy) and the Rat, both of which come from the store, and both of which look… “off” compared to other mounts. More blatant with the rat because of the eyes, I think? Felt the same way about the blue fox thing, too.

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“Muh lore”

Will never stop being funny.


Nah, it’s whatever really - warcraft hasn’t been the real warcraft for years.

The cats are fine in world of friendscraft.

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No one’s gonna bother show up on the hill they chose to die on.

Im glad to see im not the only one that think this mount is stupid looking.


I’m so ready to buy the cat mount and wear my fairy costume and then post it for the lulz


less the mount being a cat, and more its artstyle being completely different than anything else in game.

it looks like it would be a bit more at home in a more anime inspired title.

anyway, it’s appearance isn’t why I personally dislike it, the fact that it’s a payed mount in the midst of everything going on is what annoys me.

and as a side note, you should put a picture of the cat in your OP so people can easily compare it to the other mounts you posted, it really does look different.


I don’t hate cats. I just want to see a Westie mount, too.

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I am wondering if this Cat Mount is indication of next up coming Expansion after Shadowlands. Blizzard has been known to do that before…

You could always just farm 400k gold and buy it with tokens.

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Funny enough this mount would have made more sense for the Karazhan super dungeon with the part where you shrink.


I love my kitty mount! Though I would love him a tiny bit more if he was purple and green lol.

As far as the whole “too out of place” some people are claiming… (falls over laughing). I have a key ring in the pockets to my toddler sized robes with over three hundred mounts attached. That’s not even thinking of the sheer number of little pets I have (over 2k) in my bag of infinite pet holding.



If anyone has an issue with my cat mount, I’d tell them where they can stick that problem but the mods would be mad.

WoW’s had cute aspects since Vanilla. The cat is fine. It fits Vulpera much better than many other mounts at the moment. I will use it and enjoy it.