The caster experience in DF so far is BAD!

You not playing arena doesn’t make him wrong. It’s affecting way more than 2% of the players

Sure premade bgs are going to be a different game, but otherwise ret is the only thing playing arenas rn

Battlegrounds are honestly not that bad. You can hide in a crowd at max range and get decent nukes off.

Usually when I DO get tired of melee in my face smacking me around I’ll hop in a turret, or better yet, a sidecar of a Siege and nuke from safety. :face_with_head_bandage: :persevere: :face_with_head_bandage:

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I’ve done enough arenas to know that the things people are losing at 1500-1800 bracket arent losing because rets are strong. No more than they’re losing because X racial is op, or because X spec is underpowered. The only people this actually affects are the people playing this game nearly perfectly thus 2%, the keyboard turning backpeddling hunter didnt lose his game because of the ret.

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There ain’t no vehicles to hide behind in the Gulch, it plays out differently.

Because of the limited data set inferences aren’t as accurate but here’s 3v3. It’s mighty interesting, actually.

Tot >2400
Outlaw Rogue 40 12 30.00%
Arcane Mage 101 26 25.74%
Enhancement Shaman 130 33 25.38%
Protection Paladin 16 4 25.00%
Fury Warrior 60 15 25.00%
Mistweaver Monk 394 96 24.37%
Windwalker Monk 234 56 23.93%
Frost Death Knight 111 26 23.42%
Feral Druid 256 58 22.66%
Arms Warrior 863 188 21.78%
Devastation Evoker 92 20 21.74%
Retribution Paladin 985 209 21.22%
Subtlety Rogue 203 43 21.18%
Fire Mage 53 11 20.75%
Vengeance Demon Hunter 10 2 20.00%
Survival Hunter 76 15 19.74%
Discipline Priest 767 138 17.99%
Guardian Druid 17 3 17.65%
Assassination Rogue 361 63 17.45%
Marksmanship Hunter 88 15 17.05%
Holy Paladin 182 30 16.48%
Preservation Evoker 439 72 16.40%
Destruction Warlock 221 36 16.29%
Frost Mage 173 28 16.18%
Demonology Warlock 497 80 16.10%
Beast Mastery Hunter 399 63 15.79%
Restoration Druid 577 91 15.77%
Elemental Shaman 245 38 15.51%
Unholy Death Knight 280 43 15.36%
Restoration Shaman 671 103 15.35%
Havoc Demon Hunter 443 68 15.35%
Balance Druid 167 25 14.97%
Shadow Priest 419 59 14.08%
Blood Death Knight 15 2 13.33%
Affliction Warlock 72 9 12.50%
Holy Priest 150 17 11.33%
Protection Warrior 18 2 11.11%
Brewmaster Monk 5 0 0.00%
9830 1799

I couldn’t get the data from the one site to copy, I had to revert to the leaderboard site again. Sorry.

It can be ok sometimes but when the top 2 melee specs are essentially unkiteable, it’s pretty bad.

Depends. If it is hard data that shows who is ascending at a rapid pace while also being able to see which specs have played less over the last month, it shows you who the top performers are.

I find it to be very telling that the top 2 melee to drop off the last month are havoc and sin. The 2 most complained about melee until recently that received some major nerfs. Unholy and sub following them. Looks like they rerolled to arms and ret.

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i said arenas, not solo shuffle

1800 is very average mmr where the bulk of players are, and every game is ret. the demo frost teams are free wins. Ret is OP

our ret even forgot to take spellwarding and it didn’t matter

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With how fast we can level (and gear) with our current game, fastest ever? It seems like even weekly Tuning can be capitalized on so quickly before adjusts. It becomes overwhelming with numbers of both players and power.

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To be honest, You sound like you’re speaking mostly from a bg perspective. Most people on the pvp forums are talking about arena. As a guy that plays predominately caster classes, I don’t agree with your views at all. My advice to you, go try a Shadow Priest in solo shuffle. Or better yet, try an affliction lock. You cant even get dots applied. When you finally do after getting kicked and cc’d repeatedly, they all get dispelled in an instant. And they get dispelled by dumb game mechanics like Ret judgment…

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Any ret running JOTP against an afflock is dead, dont be silly.


I might be able to extract if I took some time but I see what you’re saying just looking at the data. Hard to argue their numbers dominance in the higher ratings of 3v3. The RSS numbers, they do seem to follow what I read as far as rankings.

No, they are so not dead. Like at all and you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Why would you play a caster when you could just play ret?

Telling me i dont know what im talking about doesnt make it true, If getting off unstable affliction was impossible Aff lock would NEVER be played, and it is played, in fact all 3 lock specs are played.

A JoTP ret attacking an afflock will kill himself with unstable affliction long long before he kills you

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Why you gotta be so rude to Ana?

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Maybe because they are picking the lowest-hanging fruit from every post and not addressing the larger issues?

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I speak on the things that peak my interest. Sorry if that bothers you.

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Judging by your posts in this thread, you shouldn’t really be speaking on very many things at all. As I said before, your knowledge on casters is very surface level.

It’s just funny to me I guess. There’s a reason dot classes are none existent rn. Yah, ok, so a hand full of r1 players are making affliction work in arena. Of course. The classes aren’t dead in arena for no reason is all i’m saying. There’s a very good reason it’s like this. Everyone else knows the answer to the equation but there’s a hand full of people that just have to go against the grain and pretend they know better and it’s commical af.

Okay, first off, if every other mongoloid caster can come on here and cry every time they have to take damage, i can speak on whatever i please.

Second off, I’ve played every single class through all expansions from burning crusade onwards, i know plenty on almost every single spec in the game excluding maybe healers. And from what I’ve seen from what you post i know far more than you. Id appreciate it if we kept topics of the game from being personal, Though i know how difficult that is for people like you. (see! i can do it too!)