The caster experience in DF so far is BAD!

Don’t speak the truth, you’ll hurt someone’s feelwings. Almost all casters are on the bench right now. Moonkin, SP, Affliction, Fire mage, Arcane, even Elemental Shaman has started rolling down hill. You can’t keep a flame shock on anything.

It’s just the usual case of, “Don’t nerf me, bro!” With many attempts to subvert clear evidence of a problem.

The funniest part to me is:

If you show anecdotal or generic evidence, you are met with the, “it’s a skill issue! the elite players have no issues!”

And then if you show hard data along with evidence and opinions from the high-skilled, “It doesn’t matter because the whole game isn’t like that!” Despite that it’s not just contained to the 2%. What do ya see in bg’s now? Mostly Rets, Arms, and Hunters.

It’s a ridiculous back and forth but all ya can do is throw in your $.02

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I mained a Paladin in classic, but that doesn’t mean that I know everything there is to know about Paladins in dragonflight.

From what we can tell, you play DK, Warrior, and Ret, and a mage that just dinged. As Is stated before, your knowledge on casters is very surface level. You just saying that you play a caster doesn’t clear you.

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Luck you, I have my opponents waiting till the I have faked casted once and then kick when the cast is almost done. And if they fail? Stuns and fears for mini kicks.


A lot of ranged can be harder to deal with than a lot of melee in team fights, provided they are focusing targets. But, for smaller fights and 1v1s it’s generally easier to be melee than ranged, depending on matchups ofc.

I’d much rather be on melee than a ranged class for 1v2s, 1v3s against other melee. Interrupts and microCCs are more disruptive for ranged to execute their damage. It’s much easier to get your damage out toe to toe as melee and it often cleaves.

Other matchups might favor casters, but overall I find melee easier to navigate in a random BG. Then again, I tend to try to find the smaller fights and avoid the large team fights since they are boring to me.

If someone just wants to stick to the larger team fights then ranged will generally be easier.


Now this is a lul

Yeah, there isn’t really much to argue about with that graphic. But, that is arena not random BGs. However, it is very clear that some specs are much better than others. Overall balance is kind of bad, at the moment.

For example, it’s not that UHDK is that bad… it is just much worse than arms and rets which makes it irrelevant.

I don’t see either as dominating power wise, like you said it depends, but there are so many paladins and what else are they going to play? I think we need to go more to class specialization, if everyone can do everything someone will do it best.

Ret does need the nerf as does demo but will we always have a dominant class driven by performance and perception?

That was hilarious. Rogue and DH went POOF. Guess they both have vanish now and the spell is broken as they cant leave stealth now.

Only things I and friends have seen that is continuously over-represented is mm hunter/ret/warrior. Everything else you only see maybe 1 of, sometimes 2. Obviously you’ll see more aoe-oriented specs more in epic bgs. Still, tons of rets in epics and mm hunters too.

Yeah, these are the most represented by far.

haha if you are still watching this man-child’s videos you are the problem :slight_smile:

Yeah who would ever listen to Venruki, a rank 1 multi-classer?

Let’s listen instead to Aredea the person who spends all their time raging about dying in pvp.


I don’t know why I get information about PvP from highly ranked players.


Yes, in disorganized random BGs with people who have low gear it is easy to do that. I typically top damage and KBs on my destro lock in BGs. However getting pummeled by double melee in arenas is not that easy. GL with that.

where did I rage about dying in pvp and who cares if he is rank one anything all he ever does is cry XD

Please see that entire thread.

Also, complaining about the state of absurdity that is representation of some classes/specs in pvp is the farthest thing from base whining.

ahh yes you are a premade exploiters, so you hate being called out thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

That thread had zero to do with premades. Your brain is so scrambled you can’t even read properly.

lol whatever dude you already sold yourself out :wink: