Ret is literally a joke (and so is blizzard)

Rets are a requirement to being able to q arena. Notice how the only specs close to how many rets there are, are the ones that can play with ret the best? (Arms, BM, Demo, MW, Rsham) If you’re not one of these specs you’re better off waiting for next season unless you can get a ret to queue.

Such a joke lmao


It’s to be expected, since the other specs are chicken and don’t queue now, because they are afraid.


That’s disgusting…

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OMG 69 Sub Rogues?!?!?! They even troll us with the number of games played. Nerf them more, one of them stunned me for 5 whole seconds. Immediately afterward I 2 shot them on my ret paladin but it is unacceptable they insulted me like that.



This escalated quickly…

Who hurt you

My spidey senses tell me it was Mud.

This is what “you need to go outside and touch grass” looks like in a post.


Don’t quote it.

Why not? If I quote it then we can always know that this guy posted a cringe post. I don’t think I could also get flagged for quoting it, but I may be wrong :dracthyr_shrug:

Yeah you can get flagged for quoting it.


Yeah, you can… best to edit out the bad stuff at least.

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I just aerated my lawn for the Spring. So I can confirm that I personally have touched grass myself recently.

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I, for one, welcome our new Retribution overlords.


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Alright changed it, thanks for the heads up!

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Buff rets.


I agree with Enthused.

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welcome to FOTM this has been happening for years lol

Us Rets allowed you peasants to queue with with us because our Judgements were so Pure it cleansed you of your wicked ways.

Now that that has been nerfed, we have no choice but to go back and queue with our fellow brothers and sisters of the Light.

Double Ret will reign supreme.


I mean you can tell based on hours played who the FOTM’s are.
And do you blame people for playing a class that’s been lacking, and is finally viable?
Post Nerfs I don’t think they’re “broken” and the fact they’re present in most games now is proof people enjoy the class, and want to play. Give them more :raised_hands:.