The caster experience in DF so far is BAD!

haha if you are still watching this man-child’s videos you are the problem :slight_smile:

Yeah who would ever listen to Venruki, a rank 1 multi-classer?

Let’s listen instead to Aredea the person who spends all their time raging about dying in pvp.


I don’t know why I get information about PvP from highly ranked players.


Yes, in disorganized random BGs with people who have low gear it is easy to do that. I typically top damage and KBs on my destro lock in BGs. However getting pummeled by double melee in arenas is not that easy. GL with that.

where did I rage about dying in pvp and who cares if he is rank one anything all he ever does is cry XD

Please see that entire thread.

Also, complaining about the state of absurdity that is representation of some classes/specs in pvp is the farthest thing from base whining.

ahh yes you are a premade exploiters, so you hate being called out thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

That thread had zero to do with premades. Your brain is so scrambled you can’t even read properly.

lol whatever dude you already sold yourself out :wink:

I’m tired of WoW being overadundant on melee.

It’s only been growing since Legion.

If that’s what you think while you’re perpetually stuck in your haze of stupidity, sure.

Despite the fact we’re talking bg forums, everyone here has made it very clear they’re talking about arenas, I didnt realize having two casting schools, precog and casting circle somehow changed in arena anyways.

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Play the spec a little more and you will become very well acquainted with it being tougher to play than the melee in that equation.

It is. Just warrior mains on this forum say it’s fine and a learn to pay issue, LMAO, it’s terrible.

We forgive you.

The caster experience is legitimately miserable. I watched a high rated arcane mage (my spec of choice) and the gameplay at that level is pillar humping and ring of fire shenanigans, that’s it. Even an expert can’t find a moment to cast a spell.

Y’all need lives.

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How many times you gonna tell me that

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But, mages are super popular in arena. Take a look…

15 Arcane Mages
239 Frost Mages
0 (lol) Fire Mages

Compare that to the number of warriors and rets being played. :wink:

Small fight dynamics skew heavily towards melee, atm, because of warriors and rets. It’s really hard to argue against this graphic.

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Even if the ret is using JOTP in this situation (easy enough to swap out since it is a pvp talent), they can choose to not focus the warlock since it only removes the debuffs applied by the target hit.

That said, the vast majority of warlocks in arena are demonology anyway.

134 affliction warlock games compared to 7307 ret paladin games.

Never change, Tidepodz.