The cancer of all the "booster" mages

Yet again, you don’t understand another thing. Why SoM died. It’s because all of the vanilla players were burnt out from grinding naxx for 6 straight months and raiding vanilla content for a year and some change prior to that. They were playing TBC which had just been rereleased, most people didn’t feel like playing vanilla again yet. The release was too soon. The only people that stick around for vanilla for a year+ are people that raid, not people that spend a month or so leveling and then quit because “leveling is the game”

Everything you’ve written for the most part really is nonsense driven by ignorance. You don’t know what you’re talking about, we’ve been over this.

Yes yes. I know. More blanket statements you cant back up though i have used literal blizzard statements that say they want to stop boosting and news outlets back that up. Buts its ok. Everybody is wrong but you. You win.

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Oh yes, because Blizzard definitely know what they’re talking about in regards to classic and its community /s

I didnt say they know what they are talking about. I said they were clear about what they want. But i know you already know this. You are just arguing in bad faith. And im dumb enough to keep playing the game because i value progress.

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You value people progressing slowly so there’s a chance they’ll join a group with a tauren warrior that’s going deep prot, so they can slowly progress through the dungeon, too.

Yes, Blizzard wanted to stop boosting because of public outcry on the forums. All it did was ensure less people got to max level and ensured SoM died quicker than it would have otherwise, even with all the timing failures on their part.

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Yes, Blizzard wanted to stop boosting

And that was my only point. Thank you. We are done here.

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No, actually you had a lot more points. A ton of points which were all wrong. Do you want to go over the list of every single thing you were wrong about? LOL

When you make a point you use information as a way to make that point. It was all information to make the point that blizz doesnt support it, and it shouldnt be done.

I had nothing else. That was it. Perhaps you were convinced there was more, there was not. Thats it. I get to be done. :).

Unless you think theres something left to discuss?

Considering you said boosting was bad, and had detrimental effects to the economy, it hurt the leveling experience of other people, it took people out of your groups. You also said leveling was the game. All of which are incorrect.

Regardless of whether or not you think those things are correct you agreed with the point i was trying to make using that logic anyway.

Yes, Blizzard wanted to stop boosting

Thats all there was. Its over. Unless you think theres something else to discuss?

The points I just brought up which you were wrong about.

Those werent the point of the discussion at hand though. You can open another thread for them if youd like. But this is about boosting. And the boosting point has reached its end.

Yes, Blizzard wanted to stop boosting

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yes, they were. You spent at least an hour writing about it, and you were proven wrong multiple times.

Those werent the point of the discussion at hand though. Just logic used during it. You can open another thread for them if youd like because you disagree. But this is about boosting. And the boosting point has reached its end.

Blizzard wants to stop boosting

We both agreed on this. That is all that is needed.

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This is about boosting and you said it was bad. It wasn’t about Blizzard’s take on it. Boosting isn’t bad.

My argument was that people shouldnt boost. The point was made that blizzard doesnt want it either. I have nothing left to add. Regardless of whether or not boosting is bad or not. I think it is, you think its not. but we both agree blizzard doesnt want it, which was what i was trying to make apparent. So, have a good day :slight_smile:


i would be shocked if the HC server didn’t have some sort of anti-boost change like SoM did. it’s kind of a no brainer :expressionless:

Blood Elves definitely don’t understand Classic and get no say on the topic.

You don’t play it like that. Leveling is the majority of the game. Time spent at end game running the same content that is limited isn’t the same amount of content that there is leveling.