The cancer of all the "booster" mages

They have kept from making many changes to preserve #nochanges. We have been over this. They wouldnt have made the change to som if they didnt think it would help what they want.

Except that the experience of rushing to endgame is the same idealism from players that play retail as i already said and has no place in classic.


What do you think the POINT of classic is? Obviously lots of people care about 2004 era experience. Saying they dont doesnt change their actions.

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People have been rushing in classic since the day it launched in 19 what are you even talking about.

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are people seriously defending boosting :expressionless:
get a life

Oh you mean that rush that literally any popular thing gets when it first opens? THat rush? That rush that has nothing to do with the game style but the fact that it just opened? That rush?

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The same rush that happened with MC? The same one that happened with BWL? AQ? Or lets talk about SOM, you know the version you bring up that has devs intentions added into it. The one with faster levelling. So far everything in Classic has been a rush, well before Era died that is and before SOM failed of course.

Som had faster leveling because the devs were worried people wouldnt have enough time to level properly AND get through the phases. Because leveling IS such a big part of classic.

MC opening is not the re-release of a largely anticipated new thing like a game or movie. Its already been proven that only a small portion of the overall playerbase raids.

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You just do not understand the game you’re playing, every single sentence you type just screams it. Who are you to say what has a place in classic when you don’t even understand classic yourself?

Yes yes. Claiming somebody just doesnt know any better. One of the last bastions of a weak troll. Let me know when you have an actual point to make.

I dont decide how to run classic. Blizzard does. and i support that even if i dont agree with it. We have been over this countless times.

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Leveling is literally just the beginning of the game. It’s literally why in SoM they sped it up by 100% eventually, just because they wanted to be able to push more people in the end game so people could actually play the game… because all the actual SoM features were in the end game… the actual game.

You haven’t made a point other than boosters spamming too much.

Oh i guess all the text i wrote was just invisible then. Or perhaps words mean nothing to you. You lean lead a horse to water, You cannot make them drink. shrug i dont need to. Its clear by the votes that people dont agree with you anyway. Im just fighting a point thats already proven.

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they sped up SoM leveling because they needed people to cap and experience the entire gamibt of raid releases before the year was up. It was a timing issue.

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Your analogies haven’t gotten any better. Almost always irrelevant to the point your attempting to make. But yeah, everything you’ve wrote was nonsense driven by ignorance. You don’t understand the game you’re playing and everything you’ve written was wrong OTHER than booster spam. You’re probably the type to play a deep prot warrior in raid due to lack of game knowledge.

No, they sped it up because the game was dying and they were running out of raiders, so they sped it up to make it so more people could raid. Every single change had to do with the end game. If you notice they didn’t change how low level mining or herb nodes worked or added low level dungeon mechanics, or change how loot worked for low level dungeons, or anything… because the end game IS the game.

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“As Blizzard stated, the purpose of Season of Mastery (SoM) is “Faster Progression and More Challenging Content”.”

They made it about raiding. because thats the part of retail everybody wants to get to. Because thats what they thought would draw people in. So they sped up the leveling so people could get there. And even WITH the sped leveling they nerfed boosting. Because in retail, end game, is game.

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your points havent gotten any better, almost always irrelevant to the argument your attmping to make. But yeah, everything you wrote is nonsense driven by ignorance. You dont understand the game you are playing and everything your written is wrong. Your probably the type to make empty comments about other people instead of addressing the point being made.

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I addressed everyone one of your points and explained why you were wrong. I don’t need to repeat that 15 times.

you didnt, you just used a blanket statement.

But yeah, everything you’ve wrote was nonsense driven by ignorance

This conversation is a joke. Only one of us is trying to make progress is good faith. Im an idiot for continuing to waste my time on you

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