The cancer of all the "booster" mages

You know, this makes me laugh, because its actually kind of like early vanilla where you had to be careful who you grouped with!

I completely get your sentiment and agree. We all need to start being a lot pickier in who we choose to group with, just like we were early vanilla.


My man gave his opinion and calls them fact, then says his point was made? Lol.

Bingo, hell they’ve been rushing to get through the leveling process since the vanilla days.


I don’t know why they are so upset about people not liking EVERY aspect of the game and not playing it the way THEY WANT US TO. I will never care about leveling in WOW, I am here for end game plus PVP.

My man gave his opinion and calls them fact, then says his point was made?

I provided a direct link to a blizzard statement saying they were cracking down on boosting. All of the news articles that covered the statement agreed it was about cracking down on boosting. What more could you want? I guess everybody is wrong but you?

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You posted a link talking about boosting, not level boosting, I’ve already been over that try again… why is leveling boosting still around? Retail? Vanilla? WOTLK? It’s in all of the games… but somehow blizzard hasn’t made a single attempt to remove any of it, that screams they don’t care about it.

Thats odd. All the news outlets that covered the story said it was about level boosting as well. I guess everybody is wrong but you. That makes more sense than anything else right?

I could post links to the news outlets that covered it if you would like. And if blizz forums allow it. Or you could just google it and read it yourself.

why is leveling boosting still around? Retail? Vanilla? WOTLK?

Its not.

Here is a post about somebody complaining when boosting was removed from wrath. Its also not in retail anymore. Please try again.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH… and I guess that’s checkmate, because you aren’t even remotely close to correct. Goodbye. It’s in vanilla and retail, that’s not up for debate, fact is fact… kinda cringe that you got your alt liking all your posts.

Yeah you’re wasting your time, Thag has literally 0 clue about anything in this game lol.


Its not in vanilla because #no changes. We already went over that.

Boosting has been nerfed in retail and Wrath.

I provided a link that proves that.

Pretending to laugh like that is super cringe.

I have no “alt liking my posts”. Your reaching for anything to try and slander. oof

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So are you gonna make a point and add to the conversation or are you just here to tell others they dont know what they are talking about?

You couldn’t be more right.

So it’s okay to double down on it with adding GDKP. Nah, I don’t think so.

Depends on what people mean by “boosting”.

It has a range between “high levels spamming public chat channels, selling their services and spamming the dungeons” to “high levels running a guildie through a dungeon once, to get their quests done, without charging them nor spamming any public chat channels”.

I like the posts that make good points. If it makes the trolls feel better, I can simply copy/paste what Thag says, instead.

Its not really doubling down. In a time where there was 12 million people playing the game you can bet money that there was more people buying gold back then than there are now and GDKPs were not known about by the majority of the people playing the game. I will not deny that RMT is associated with GDKPs but RMT is associated with everything that involves gold in this game, boosting, auction house, pvp, etc.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the system itself, peoples problem is with RMT and if you just did your job and banned RMT and botters then what would people have to complain about GDKP? The only ones that would have a problem with it are the ones that never tried it and refuse to let go of MS>OS. GDKP just happens to be the best loot system for pugging because of what it entails outside of people having bought gold. If you reset the gold tomorrow and permaban all botters, buyers and sellers GDKP would still remain the best system for pugging for everyone involved.


I’m sure you believe that bud, post what "thag :wink: " said.

more buying less, the economy was not as inflated as it is these days. I bet they actually make more overall now when larger amounts and higher prices are applied.
Really it doesn’t matter how much was bought, or when it occurred. It shouldn’t be happening at all if we’re following the TOS, no?

If Blizzard enforced their policies there wouldnt be the opportunity to buy any. Any attempts Blizzard has made to stop them hasnt really stopped them. The token came out and they still were able to sell gold. They put a damper on GDKPs by having personal loot (albeit GDKPs did still run) and RMT was still occurring. The problem is not GDKP and if you got rid of GDKP people would still buy gold.

I dont see any reason to stop legitimate groups from being able to participate in GDKPs. You’re not gonna stop RMT by getting rid of it and given that the system is truly better than any other system currently available for pugging it would be a shame to get rid of it.


how exactly did blizz double down on gdkp?

I assume the same myself but I think it looks, feels and impacts differently because of the “mega server” aspect of classic.

I’m not seeing where I said Blizz was the culprit?