The cancer of all the "booster" mages

Having players that are bad at max level doesnt mean that adding to the problem is ok?

If i said, hey man poverty isnt good and we as a nation should work on it. And then you said, nah we already have people in porverty. You see how it completely misses the point?

I never said bad players dont already exist. Im saying adding to that with boosting isnt good.

see i didnt address that line, cause it didnt actually have anything to do with what im talking about. Bad players will always exist. this is about boosting and how it affects things like helping bad players level easy.

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Classic as a whole is easy. The whole point of classic leveling is to be easy. See all the other mmos out during wows launch. Wow is for casuals.

Your point about bad players staying bad because theyre boosted means nothing when the same bad players will still be bad if they leveled through hinterlands. It makes no difference.

If you want to discuss the effects boosting has on the economy, sure man, that’s a great conversation, but this discussion about boosting breeding bad players is moot.

I see how you missed my point and tried to cover it up with this.

way more players stay bad if they never play and get leveled by somebody else.

I see how you missed my point and tried to cover it up with this.

I didnt miss your point. I took your point and applied it to something else to show how it doesnt work.

ill show you again.

If i said “things that help grow racism are bad” and you went “we already have racists” then you would have still missed the point. It doesnt matter if bad players are already bad, making them play has a higher chance of making them decent players while also not helping boosters and not bothering the economy and not spamming chat etc etc


You don’t like gdkp cuz u always broke buying all that tin foil lol

Idk if showing how spread of something through movement that resembles a live city through the wow debacle thing is the same as an in game economy considering most people don’t treat gold the same way they treat money. And servers vastly different on prices and such so … just my two cents

yeah and in game viruses dont treat hosts the same way that they do in real life either but it was still a worthwhile analogy and study. Analogies arent meant to be 1 for 1 comparisons.

You know?

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GDKP is a good buyer / sellers paradise.

Gold buying existed before gdkp … Nice try. Move along.

They always seem to avoid that conversation.

But the extent of gold buying didn’t explode like it did until GDKPs started taking off.

You can’t deny that when people realized blizzard wasn’t banning for buying gold GDKPs became a lot more common

Were you not there when susan express was advertising with corpses in capital cities? I dont see GDKP groups advertising like that.

The game had 12 million people playing it. There were far more people buying gold back then.

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I was. And now Blizzard sells it themselves.

But we’re talking about Classic era right now.

It is very much about you and how you think the game was intended to be played. You want the game to be played a certain way and that’s just not how it works. SoM tried to force people to play the game a certain way and it completely failed.

Doesn’t matter if you need it to get to end game… your take is bad, you can enjoy a game without liking everything about it and if I can skip the leveling process I will do that. You call it a negative, I disagree. Make a fun leveling process and people won’t wanna skip it.

Eg. SWTOR, I go back there just to level a character and go through the story.

It has absolutely no effect on you in any way, shape or form. You can call it all you want and make up whatever argument you feel suites your narrative… I doubt you have anything productive to say about the issue anyway.

You’re entitled to that opinion, I got the right game though… when I don’t feel like playing retail and no friends are on, I hop on vanilla if I got nothing else to do. Y’all make such a big deal out of leveling… it’s important to you, not me. I’m here for end-game.

I agree, but with a modification. If someone in the group doesn’t get exp, the whole group shouldn’t get exp. That would 100% solve boosting, while still allowing people to help others (sometimes you can’t find a group for a dungeon to complete quests)


The way I want the game to be played and the way the devs intend it to be played are different. This has nothing to do with what I want. You make that mistake because you are arguing solely for what YOU want and think I’m doing the same. You have no foot left to stand on. None of your logic panned out and now your just pointing fingers trying to assign blame.


Its not the right game for you, if by playing, you are hurting the experience of others. You should play a game where you don’t hurt the experience of others. Its not complicated. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. But don’t mess with the economy and the chats and the players just because you don’t want to play the game as intended.

You’ve been explained to on several occasions how boosting impacts people. This is not complicated nor something to argue over. its a clear fact. If you refuse to acknowledge the clear fact then you are arguing in bad faith and aren’t actually trying to make progress but prove that you deserve to skip an essential and expected part of the game.


Yes… because everyone plays classic wow the way the devs intended it to be played… jesus christ. The list of things that we do that the devs don’t intend is so long there’s no point in even listing it. They’re even making an entirely new game mode based off of things that were unintended by the devs.

The primary issue the current community has with boosting is spam, not the act itself. You are in the staunch minority when it comes to wanting boosting to be banned. It’s only the super casuals that have a problem with it. The fact you’re a tauren warrior says enough on its own.

No, you’re arguing for what you want. People don’t play this game the way the devs intended. You want people to play that way because it benefits your horribly casual playstyle.

Also, you’re saying my arguments don’t pan out but you couldn’t refute a single one. All you proved is your lack of game knowledge. That was it.

They’re even making an entirely new game mode based off of things that were unintended by the devs.

Absolutely. But there are things not intended by the devs like emergent gameplay which they support. and things that are not intended like boosting which is not supported which is clear by its removal from later versions of the game.

The primary issue the current community has with boosting is spam

Based on what metrics? Did you just make this up?

No, you’re arguing for what you want. People don’t play this game the way the devs intended. You want people to play that way because it benefits your horribly casual playstyle.

I already explained that the way the devs want the game to be played and the way i want it to be played are different. But i still support what the devs want. No amount of you insisting i want what the devs want will make it true. I would support many changes they don’t. Stop putting words in my mouth to build an argument around. It wont get you far.

you’re saying my arguments don’t pan out but you couldn’t refute a single one

I tackled everything you said.

For instance you tried to say that boosting effects nobody when that clearly isnt true and i pointed that out. If it effected nothing then nobody would care.

See this isn’t complicated.


You’re a funny dude. You ask me for metrics and then claim your arguments that you’ve made without metrics are perfectly valid, which every single argument you’ve made without having a clue what you were talking about was made without a metric.

I say boosting doesn’t hurt anyone and it simply reduces prices on the auction house, you say that’s wrong, it effects people joining your groups. I tell you that those people weren’t gonna join your group anyways, because they wanted to get boosted. You have no metric to say that these people were ever gonna join your group to begin with, no percentages, you just claim it. I say the primary community right now, because I’m apart of it. I talk to people in it every single day. We talk about boosting all the time, it’s literally all over LFG every moment of the day. The issue is the spam, it’s bad. I won’t deny that, but no one cares about boosting because the vast majority of us have no interest in spending 10 days played time to raid on another character. The people that have the issue with is the fresh levelers that are somehow convinced that the people getting boosted would be in their group if the option wasn’t available.

"I already explained that the way the devs want the game to be played and the way i want it to be played are different. But i still support what the devs want. " This entire statement is a contradiction.

You tackled everything I said, you were wrong on a damn good amount of it, I told you why and then you said just said you were right in so many words.