The cancer of all the "booster" mages

These players see as far as the front of their nose. They are too self-absorbed to care how their actions degrade the game as a whole.

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if you only care about endgame then you are playing the wrong game. What you are looking for is retail, where the game is focused around endgame and the mechanics arent as simplistic and there are hard modes. If what you want is ample endgame and an express leveling system then what you want is retail. What you want already exists somewhere else. But thats not what you want. What you really want is to experience the endgame content without having to put in any of the work to get there. The people that play classic enjoy the leveling experience and want to preserve it. By actively fighting against that you are hurting the experience. Why not just go where everbody wants what you want? which is to rush to end game and raid? I dont get it?


His comparisons were so bad they were wild lmao.

Not really man. An analogy is typically used when the two situations are comparable. These aren’t, you’re comparing situations where people literally die to a situation where no one hurt, no one is effected, they just didn’t play the game the way you wanted to and got to level 60. Your analogies, all of em, aren’t valid to this situation, because in all of those someone is actually hurt by it. Someone that has the gold to boost to 60 also has the gold to buy gear in a gdkp and spend the literal MAYBE 2 hours it takes to figure out how to play a class in vanilla wow. You don’t need to the full track of 1-60 to figure out how to play your class.

I think when people think of world pvp they think of a 1 on 1 fight out in the world with someone around your level.

They don’t generally think of roaming death squads of max level characters in 20-50 leveling zones.

People don’t generally think “Ganking” = “World PvP”

yes they are. he explained quite clearly how they are comparable :expressionless:

Haha, so true. So many players on PvP realms are not there for a competition, they do anything they can to avoid it.


no one is effected

Yeah no. Thats not how this works. The overall game experience is effected. The people that have to raid with 60s that cant play with their class are effected. (and we already have enough of those wouldnt you agree?) The people trying to find groups are affected.

as somebody already pointed out “On the matter of its broader impact, “it doesnt affect/hurt anyone/anything” is more of a self serving fantasy than accurate appraisal of the situation.”

Lots of people are affected in many ways which is the whole reason people have a problem with it. It effects everything from the economy to the game experience by making it pay to progress which is the same thing as pay to win.

Pretending no one is effected by boosting is a joke.

Im comparing where somebody is effected to where somebody is effected. Thats how the analogy works. If you cant grasp the idea behind it because one involves somebody getting hurt then ill tone it down for you. the analogy works in any similar situation. For instance.

“I don’t understand the obsession with forcing people to take the test the way y’all want it to be taken. If people want to use their phones, they should be able to.”

Doesnt work in this context. Nobody is getting hurt, it just hurts the system that expects people not to cheat. Just like boosting hurts the system that expects them not to boost.

Now whats your excuse for this analogy?


“The overall game experience is effected”

No, it’s not at all, for anyone except the person that got boosted, and they just didn’t have to spend 10 days played time leveling and got to 60. It takes MAYBE 2 hours to learn how to play a vanilla class. It is not hard.

There is no negative effect on the economy in era. Most of the people getting boosted sell the items they get from them on the auction house, so there’s plenty of items being put up, and plenty of people that want to buy them because a lot of people aren’t getting boosted. Works out great for everyone on that end.

Paying gold to progress because you already have gold to progress with just makes the game more rewarding. It’s a more natural form of heirlooms if anything. Makes it actually feel like you accomplished something.

Also, no, you’re comparing a situation where people are detrimentally effected to a situation where no one is hurt at all. That’s not how an analogy works. The two situations need to be comparable. Boosting hurts no one.

Boosting is not cheating. There is no cheating happening, people are paying gold to a person to have them kill all of the mobs in an instance for them. This is not cheating. Yet again, you don’t seem to understand how analogies work. The two things have to be similar. Cheating on a test and playing the game fairly with no cheats involved is not a good comparison. If you were saying fly hacking was what you were referring to, sure. But you’re not.

oh? Lets fact check this shall we? Does the gold go into the boosters hands therefor changing the economy? Yes. Does that economy effect everyone involved in it? Yes.

Hmm not off to a great start. Lets check some other places.

Does boosting effect those trying to use chat but cant get past the spam? Enough for them to complain and create mods to fix the problem. So yes.

Does boosting effect those who would otherwise have a larger pool of players to play with? Yes

Seems boosting has lots of effects outside of just changing the level of people that dont want to level themselves.

There is no negative effect on the economy in era

Then by your logic pay to win has no effect on an economy and thats just plain factually and provably wrong.

Also, no, you’re comparing a situation where people are detrimentally effected to a situation where no one is hurt at all. That’s not how an analogy works. The two situations need to be comparable. Boosting hurts no one

Boosting hurts those who want to play the game as intended by the devs and majority of the playerbase. Thas the whole problem.

Paying gold to progress because you already have gold to progress with just makes the game more rewarding.

It also makes it easily pay to win therefor changing the achievement of having done it at all.

Boosting is not cheating.

I never said it was. I said it was a comparison between cheating and boosting and how it effects the situations surrounding both. Just like both situations dont have to have people being hurt to be compared, both situations dont have to have cheating to be compared. Thats not what an analogy is. The context is supposed to be the same but the situation is supposed to be different. If its the same situation AND context then theres nothing to compare because they are the same.

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Yeah, gold goes into booster hands, this does not effect you negatively at all. The only thing that gets effected is an influx of items on the auction house that come from the boosts, decreasing the price of said items for people that might actually want to buy it, which absolutely benefits normal levelers in a positive way.

People create addons for literally everything that an addon can be created for. People created a bulletin board addon to deal with the group spam on mega servers, and those were normal groups. Anti-spam addons are nothing new.

Boosting does not have any serious effect on players that are looking for groups because the people that want boosts aren’t going to be grouping with you anyways, even if they weren’t available, they just wouldn’t be leveling up. You’re not gonna force people to play with you if they already don’t want to. You don’t even understand the psychology of the type of person that does get a boost or why they may be doing it.

Pay to win insinuates all the gold that’s being used on boosts is bought through illegal means, which also tells me you don’t understand how cheap boosts are and how much gold most of us already have. If you’re going to take a shot at people buying gold, you need to look at the super exclusive GDKPs where they’re spending 10s of thousands of gold on Naxx gear, not people buying boosts.

It doesn’t hurt players that are trying to play the game ‘as intended’, you can still go out there and find groups all you want, or quest or do whatever you like. Nothing is stopping you. The people that are gonna buy boosts weren’t ever going to group with you anyways.

People like things to be easier the second time around, people like to be able to get to 60, farm at level 60 and then make alts and have it be a lot easier on their alt because they have a level 60. This is nothing new and it’s always been that way. It makes sense that the first time around it should be kinda tough, but after that, people don’t wanna do that same grind they did before. This is not an ironman challenge.

You were highly insinuating that it was cheating with the analogy you made. You were speaking of cheating on a test in relation to getting boosts in the game. That’s how analogies work.

All that time could have been spent with other players in groups to complete quests/dungeons. You’re providing clear evidence how it affects the community.

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Considering the type of person that boosts from 10-60, no, I’m not providing clear evidence at all to help your case. The type of person that does that isn’t going to be magically be grouping with you because the option is removed. They’re just not going to level at all.

Anti-spam addons are nothing new.

Yes, we agree spam is a problem and boosting adds to that problem. Its something that needs to be fixed. along with all the other problems it brings.

gold goes into booster hands, this does not effect you negatively at all

If more gold is in boosters hands then less of the gold goes to the economy and therefor the rest of the playerbase. This is simply economics.

Same problem we have in the real world all the time in economics.

oosting does not have any serious effect on players that are looking for groups because the people that want boosts aren’t going to be grouping with you anyways, even if they weren’t available, they just wouldn’t be leveling up. You’re not gonna force people to play with you if they already don’t want to. You don’t even understand the psychology of the type of person that does get a boost or why they may be doing it.

I understand perfectly. They dont want to do the work the game expects and most of the playerbase intends to give to get to max level.

Those people wouldnt be leveling at all

Exactly. Thats the way it should be. Either commit to playing era as intended or go play retail where they have what you actuall want. Expedient leveling and a game that doesnt really start till level cap.

It doesn’t hurt players that are trying to play the game ‘as intended’, you can still go out there and find groups all you want, or quest or do whatever you like. Nothing is stopping you.

Nobody said its stopping them. Just causing trouble with the intended experience. Like people that swerve while driving. Those people dont stop me from getting to my destination, they just slow me down because they are going against the intended experience just because they want to. Not caring about other people or the overall experience or anybody but themselves.

Pay to win insinuates all the gold that’s being used on boosts is bought through illegal means

No, pay to win insinuates that the game is pay to win. Not that everybody is doing it. The two are different.

“You were highly insinuating that it was cheating with the analogy you made”

You took it that way to build an argument around. If you took it for what was meant it woudlnt be a problem.

You were speaking of cheating on a test in relation to getting boosts in the game. That’s how analogies work."

Yes i was, both effect the systems they are in and by doing so effect others. Even if only 1 is cheating. Again for an analogy to work the situations are supposed to be different. The context is what supposed to be the same.


Thats fair and all. I also don’t compare myself to others. I got nothing against a level 60 helping a few lowbies get through RFC or SFK or whatever. Done it a thousand times myself.

My gripe isnt that mage boosting is a thing and people take advantage of it. Im powerless to do anything about it anyway so I don’t sweat it - it is what it is. I dont condone it personally and I dont have a very high opinion of it but ultimately, people can play how they want.

My primary objection to mage boosting is when someone points out the lack of time and “effort” it takes in comparison to the more traditional method and the booster tries to insulate themselves from any criticism by saying its basically the same thing and are entitled to the same level of respect or kudos owed to the person who did it the hard way.

I just cant agree for obvious reasons. Other than that, boost to your hearts content.

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Spam is a problem, and there’s nothing that can be done to combat it other than addons. It’s not going away because you don’t like it. It can only be managed.

Comparing an in game economy to a real life economy is actually laughable. There are cases where it’s a good frame of reference, but a WoW server economy is not one of those. In any event, the gold always finds it’s way back into the economy. Also, gold sinks are extremely good for in game economies, if your argument is that the gold is being taken out of the game because it’s going to into a boosters hands, this only acts as a significant gold sink.

You want this game to be played your way or no other way, that just simply makes you selfish. Your way isn’t the only way, especially in era. Just cause you’re a selfish personality type doesn’t mean others should have to suffer for it.

Anyone that’s played this game to 60 many times knows this one simple fact, the game starts at 60. You spend somewhere around 5-10 days played time leveling normally, and well over 50-100 days at max level. To think this game doesn’t start at 60 is an asinine and inexperienced take.

No, pay to win in relation to boosting insinuates that people are buying gold in order to get boosts. The minority of cases perhaps, but the majority definitely not. And considering buying gold is completely against the rules, the game is anything but pay to win.

No, I took you comparing cheating on a test to boosting in a game as you basically calling boosting cheating, because that’s what you did. You clearly believe boosting is cheating, everything you write says it.

No matter what, you’re not gonna force people to play the game with you, people don’t have to play with you and people do not have to play the game the way you think it was intended to be played.

Comparing an in game economy to a real life economy is actually laughable.

What??? They used the viral outbreak that happened in wow to study and learn actual virus and contagion theory and work out models of how diseases spread. So we can use a bug that causes diseases in game to compare it to real world disease but we cant compare gold to real money because you say so? Brother puh-lease. at this point youll use anything. Your arguments are getting real weak.

“You want this game to be played your way or no other way, that just simply makes you selfish.”

Im a tank main and want people to only do dungeons. You should speak about people when you dont actually know. Just because i WANT people to do dungeons doesnt mean i expect them to if they would prefer to do quests. Im not being selfish by wanting boositng taken care of. Im being the opposite of that by thinking about how it effects the intended game experience. Same reason i dont insist people do dungeons with me just because its hard to quest as a tank.

Your just pointing fingers and assigning blame anywhere that you think you can build an argument to defend your beliefs.

It is in fact boosters being selfish by not thinking about how their actions affect those who play the game as intended.

the game starts at 60

Maybe in retail brother. where everybody rushes to the end game the content is actually hard. The whole point of retail is to have a game space thats different from that. If thats what you want. it already exists in the form of retail.

pay to win in relation to boosting insinuates that people are buying gold in order to get boosts.

Yes i believe that happens.

And considering buying gold is completely against the rules, the game is anything but pay to win.

Lots of things are against the rules. doesnt mean the justice system cant be bought. Your logic does not work. Again. Its still pay to win, just not within the intended systems. Its almost as if boosting isnt intended.

You clearly believe boosting is cheating

I do not. Again you have put words in my mouth to try and build an argument out of. Its not gonna work. Im very careful about what i say for exactly this kind of reason.

I simply pointed out that both boosting and cheating have adverse effects on the system they are in. As i have stated 3 times now.

you’re not gonna force people to play the game with you

Thats never been what this is about. I dont want players like that in game anyway. They hurt the overall experience for the rest of us.

“people do not have to play the game the way you think it was intended to be played.”

I never said they did. I simply said they shouldnt do things that negatively effect the very gameplay experience we are trying to cultivate here. Go to retail with that where they want it.


Your argument are hilariously weak actually. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You speaking from the bottom and you don’t know what even occurs at the top. You don’t understand in game economies. You just tried to compare a virus outbreak study to video game economies vs real life economies. You don’t understand how gold sinks work. You think that vanilla wow is a game that doesn’t start at 60 when it very much does. With the argument that being able to buy gold illegally makes the game pay 2 win, every game is pay to win unless it’s literally single player with no MTX. All you want is people to play a game you don’t even understand the way YOU want it to be played.

Very convenient that you dont quote the following line.

The point here is that boosting is moot on player skill. Bad players are bad players, whether they afkd in an instance or slowly grinded their way through quests, it doesnt matter.

Plus for gods sake were talking about classic here. If someone cant spam their one button correctly and move from fire then theyll always be a bad player. Boosting has no effect on that.

Inb4 you reee at me, i dont support boosting, but man lets be honest with ourselves for a second here. Bad boosted players will still be bad if they didnt boost.

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you said you couldnt compare an in game economy to a real economy because they were too different. I said scientists compared an in game virus to real world viruses already. So clearly the a comparison between the two can be indeed valid.

again this isnt about what i want. Its about how the game is intended to be played. What i want isnt even the same as that. But you try to make this about me. Instead of the points being made.