The cancer of all the "booster" mages

Says the guy who stalks me at every turn.

It’s actually pretty obvious what I want… but you aren’t intelligent enough to see it.

Let’s see, the person who champions the solo hardcore leveling experience also hates leveling.

In a guild called KILL EM ALL but hates pvp

Calls people “bud” but then calls them a boomer

You don’t know what you are, let alone what you want. How can I “see it” when even you don’t?

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Yep, it only took me like 7-8 months just to get to 43, die to afking and start again about 3 weeks ago and got to level 10 and haven’t played since.

You’re referring to a character I haven’t played since the end of TBC. You also don’t PVP, so don’t act like it matters to you.

Probably 20 years younger than you.

I know who I am, you stalk me and still can’t even get the basics down.

An admission you don’t find the game fun isn’t anything that adequately validates mage boosting as something good or wholesome. It just is. You do it because you can get away with it and its stupid easy in comparison to the alternative. You’re lazy. Not that being lazy is a crime or against any rules.

On the matter of its broader impact, “it doesnt affect/hurt anyone/anything” is more of a self serving fantasy than accurate appraisal of the situation.

Level 60 was considered a small feat because of the time it took to get there, particularly for those with specs outside pure dps. It kinda meant something.

That all goes away when you can completely bypass it by paying what amounts to a drug dealer. It doesn’t mean anything anymore.

When 60 is a small feat for everyone, we know every 60 we see put that time in. When its a day or two of watching a wall hacking clothie cheese an entire instance the respect and integrity of that accomplishment is totally cheapened if not non existent.

Now Im sure any responses to this would be more of the same reductionist nonsense we get that states hitting 60 “is no big deal anyway” as they’re paying a mage to spare them from the-no-big-deal of 200-300 hours of played time.


This is where I stopped reading… why? Because you made an assumption, not liking leveling doesn’t equate to not liking the game. I only care about end-game, leveling means nothing and leveling boosting doesn’t effect you in any way.

I I I Me Me Me.

The world doesn’t revolve around you

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I never said it does… don’t make assumptions silly.

I world pvp, and am having a blast on Bloodsail

That’s not PVP and you know it lol

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Perhaps to those who care too much about what others are doing. You hitting 60 either by levelling the normal way or getting boosted is only relevant to you. Its just like the hardcore challenge. If you levelled the hardcore way through the addon with all these restrictions youre suddenly going to deflate your own accomplishments because some people had access to an auction house? Even though you were never going to group with them in the first place? Its absolutely ridiculous how much emphasis people put on what other people are doing in this game.

You can be happy about your own personal achievements without being dependent on others doing it in the same way you did.


You’re better off disengaging. You won’t make any headway with people that don’t care about realm communities or how their actions in an MMORPG genuinely affects others’ gameplay experience. . . least of all retail players. They’re so ingrained in their cancer they refuse to see reason. Let them be. Self-serving consequentialism is its own just reward.


Says the person whos community abandoned him 2 years ago.

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You’re pushing your ideals onto the game… as is Corpseknife. You don’t have any sound logic or reason to defend your own point, you just sound like a man-child on his invisible high horse going nowhere.

Imagine getting upset about how others play the game… :rofl:

Dont worry, with enough effort Despitebeing will manifest phase 7… After 2 years of trying hes gotta be getting close.

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They should get XP according to the highest player in the group (nothing for a level 60)

What assumption? Leveling is an indispensable piece of the game. You cant get to end game without it. To say you don’t like leveling is to say you don’t like the game. Its one thing to prefer one activity over another, its another to say you dont like something, then bypass it out of that dislike and then state you’re not an imposter.

Called it.

I already explained how it affects everyone and that was just one of the handful of detrimental impacts mage boosting has. I could go into the rest but I doubt that would be a productive use of my limited time.

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Yeah, that’s the standard accusation aimed at people who are vocal about how cheap and lazy mage boosting is. Gold buyers say the same thing so I guess that’s totally cool too.

Do you care when people do stupid stuff in your raid that causes wipes? If I Leroy Jenkins’d your fully world buffed raid and told you care too much about what other people are doing would you accept that as a response?

Everyone on a server shares that game space. If some people degrade that space it impacts everyone. There’s no argument against it, try as you might.

I already explained why that isn’t the case and that was just scratching the surface. Its actually a pretty deep subject if you dive into it but people who condone mage boosting are usually on the shallow side of things.

We’re not talking about someone solo grinding to 60 and someone leveling with friends and doing dungeons with them along the way. We’re talking about how, in many cases, people are paying a gold seller using hacks to glitch out an instance while you afk just inside the portal. Maybe you can see how those two things are not the same as you are stupidly implying.

For the record Im not trying to prevent anyone mage boosting nor do I lose any sleep over it. My only complaint is when people try to say its a totally fine and they’re not sellout phonies for mage boosting.

If people were more honest about it instead and just admitted they were lazy and didnt mind cheapening the experience as a result, I would have no reason to post.

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You’d be surprised, addictions are hard to kick.

Are you the guy I /point /laugh /chicken /mock at in Booty Bay?

Not actually upsetting but it’s disappointing to find barely anyone to dungeon with while leveling, or people to group with for elite quests because they are afk in dungeons. Yes, it’s their prerogative to do so but it also lessens the game for others overall.

Id laugh.

There are legitimate players that play mages and boost others. Im not the type that likes to take away how someone else plays the game just because Im paranoid about RMT in the game.

I also dont base my accomplishments off of how other people accomplished it.