I refuse to level in Wrath without a Mage boost

WoTLK was notorious for having the worst leveling experience out of any xpac for end game.

The 70 - 80 experience was horrible, most classes don’t get their QoL spells till much later on and most of the quests are far more RNG item drop/longer versions of TBC ones and they’re located in really annoying areas with way too much mob density.

It’s fun the first time for everyone but by your second or third alt you’re going to get tired of doing it.

Mage boosting was the happy medium for everyone because you can efficiently level as many toons as you want for gold and you can make your own mage as well and do the farms for some gold income yourself.

In TBC alone, I leveled 2 characters from scratch 1 - 70 and it was cool but by my 3rd alt I was exhausted.

Being forced to essentially buy a cash shop boost or grind all the way from 1 - 80 all over and over multiple times is basically the typical KMMO P2W tactic of creating an inconvenience for the sake of selling the solution in your cash shop, I doubt many Westerners are smart enough to see it but let’s be real in that they know exactly what they’re doing.

Mage boosting isn’t as harmful as botting and it’s not as harmful as RMT in GDKPs, it’s also not as harmful as them selling a Boost themselves while virtue signaling about "We care about the Community experience!"


See you in Westfall <3


I’m just going to have a single main and no alts lol, I don’t have time anyway to be doing all that leveling :man_shrugging:


That’s how I do it. I have one alt at 70 that I did in Phase 5. Too busy playing FF14 to do anything else other than raid log.

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Ok I guess you will be cancelling your sub then?

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You and I played two very different versions of WotLK it would seem.

None of what you said is true about leveling 70-80 versus 60-70 in TBC.
You even get to have flying for alts at a minimum of 250% speed.


I think he just means the 1-70 phase.


I never said I was quitting WoTLK, I just don’t like the fact that Mage boosting is focused on more than stopping the rampant botting and RMT.

By the way, I will only have one main and no alts purely because I don’t have the time or energy to redo the whole thing, no mage boosting is going to kill a lot of the community off from making new toons.

Most people are older and have work now, they’re just baiting Lv 70 boost purchases and it’s going to work.


He clearly mentioned 70-80, but even for 1-70, you get heirlooms and it requires less XP to level than it does in TBC on top of each classes being more powerful overall at lower level than TBC.


This is basically saying without saying, they leveling an alt in classic is going to be a bad experience without RDF, without mentioning RDF. He wants to be boosted in game, and without the ability to boost, he will have to quest, which he doesnt want to do.


The real question is, if you don’t want, or have time, to level alts, do you really deserve to have a stable of alts?


That’s fine, but if that’s the problem then that’s what he should be saying, not lie about the difficulty of leveling in WotLK compared to TBC. :crazy_face:


Sometimes you gotta switch up your fishing techniques!

It’s still time that I don’t have to spend in my specific case, I know many others don’t have the time either even with Heirlooms to keep redoing it for every single alt.

It’s a huge commitment for the sake of them wanting to show the community they’re doing something while not even acknowledging the massive botting and RMT, mage boost pales in comparison to the major issues that are in Classic.

I mean I guess you can troll by pretending to be a gatekeeper but whether someone deserves something or not is irrelevant to the conversation.

Removing mage boosting without addressing botting and RMT is putting a band aid on a big open wound.

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They are nerfing boosting. Your post is not going to change this.


Nothing anyone says will change anything it seems, they do whatever they want :man_shrugging:

Doesn’t mean that I can’t voice my opinion though.


Hey, I’m all for making leveling alts in a 17 years old game less of a chore, but boosting ain’t it fam. That ish has to go.

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If your issue is particularly with feral druid not getting Savage Roar til 76, then I can agree with you somewhat. However, every other hybrid dps spec gets substantially better at 70, even with WOTLK talents.

Giving ferals SR was a bad design choice and the 30% damage boost should’ve been baked into the talents, not an ability.

But selling a $60 boost instead is ok?

Mage boosting was a legit source of gold too, anyone could do it if they practiced it. It genuinely wasn’t harming the game, if anything the cash shop boosts are worse.

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Never said the Blizz boost is good.

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