The "Bring Back" thread

Srry, i mean rewards like those challenge mode sets from Pandaria & weapons from WoD, artifact appareances from Legion.


Here’s a couple DK things:

DW blood/unholy

I’d like to be able to tank or dps as any DK spec. I missed wrath and that sounded awesome.


Yesss, this, thank you!

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So, I’m not the only one who thought that? That was kind of cool, and fun.


Eh well it’s already been said numerous times but I’ll say it again anyways…

I’d like them to do what they did with the Mage Tower bear form for the cat form as well.

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Holy cow dude! Ty for posting that!!! I hope it gets tons of likes <3 could you perhaps add–make professions useful/relevant? <3 Could you encourage the other CC members to do what you are doing? Utilize GD before making a post? You did EXACTLY what they should be doing…thank you for listening to us and representing us based on feedback <3

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I think they tried and failed with that in SL and legendaries. I’d like to see what they do next.

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Woo Hoo my suggestion made it! Pet specs again! :+1: Or I should say my wish made it to the wish list.


Not two days ago I found myself wishing I could change my pet’s spec.


Combat rogue

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Elemental shaman being able to cast while moving (all the time). It was fun!

Also, bring back all my guild friends that have left lately because of the content drought and Blizzards HR train wreck.

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  • Bring back all portals that were ever removed.

The world has a massive number of zones and new ones are added every couple of years. EK and Kalimdor are especially huge. It takes long enough to get to some zones that I don’t even bother anymore. I hardly bother with northern EK anymore as alliance because it’s too inconvenient to get there. We need multiple portals per continent. Let us get to content quickly and efficiently so that we can spend a larger portion of our time in game focused on doing the content we want to do.

  • Add portal rooms to all major cities.

Let us choose which city we prefer based on aesthetic by making all cities equally convenient to get to.


I second the request to bring back removed portals.

Also, add portals to all faction capitols to the existing portal rooms that don’t have them already. (Boralus and Daz’ar’alor already do, but it’s annoying to have to go there first to get one to another capitol.)


I’ll main a rogue again if they brought back Burst of Speed. It use to be a MoP talent that cost only around 15 energy but it was essentially a free sprint for a couple of seconds. I just liked running around in circles with it while zoning out. Gameplay wise it was probably too strong or whatever. But now I’m a Demon Hunter with twice the mobility so no skin off my back!


Here’s hoping Blizzard listens, more so worgen have needed tails for a long while. Any chance we could ask for them to truly make Mecha-done easier by the required drops truly dropping more often? I farmed that area for what feels like a month and the rares never gave me my missing items and I got several characters doing the work.

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Pretty sure the whole world could use some of that, these days. The game needs to be brought back to the way it was, before they suddenly decided that harmless little things - that offended absolutely nobody with any sense, needed to be changed.

Also, PVE disarms, druids’ ability to use savage roar without transforming, and the first aid profession.

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Totem bar for Shaman.

Pet specs for Hunter pets.

Probably more, but that’s off the top of my head.

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Varian needs to return.

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I’ll add another one.
Armor penetration.
A few specs rely on physical damage ( arms, outlaw, 2hand frost) and could really use something better to deal with high armor targets.