The Box of Many Things quest cannot be completed

I am getting an alt through the Shadowlands content and I’ve skipped ahead on many of the skippable content to the point where the Primus is now in the Runecarvers Obuleiette. This is in 9.2.

I just ran Torghast and received the quest “The Box of Many Things” which I need to turn into the Runecarver. However, he’s no longer there. The Primus is. (I realize they are the same person, but the game doesn’t know that)

So right now I cannot complete this quest. Is there a work around or is this a bug?

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Ok so the quest you gotta turn in after the primus is in the room and all that, you gotta go to zereth and talk to bolvar. After you do that and go back into torgast, the rune carver should be back in there.


I believe you are simply in a phase of the storyline that changes that area.

Try completing the quest “Reality’s Doorstep”, which you currently have in your questlog.