Man I feel bad for Forsaken fans, given how well Blizzard took care of the Orcs after depleting their characters to fill raids and dungeons in Mists and Cata, you already know what’s going to happen to the Forsaken here.
I think it says a lot about his sense of respect for his audience for him to say something like that. If they aren’t going to bother facilitating both options then it would be better not to have any options at all. It is just wasted resources. What is it supposed to achieve beyond antagonising those who made the ‘‘wrong choice’’?
People saying the joke about deleting your characters invalidates what he said about there being a right and wrong choice.
seeing as the new blizzard doesnt care about the player base. i doubt its a joke.
I’m sorry this just screams of unfathomable entitlement to me. Its a story that has always portrayed amoral acts as bad and punishable while simultaneously showing both factions are capable of riding, and crossing lines into those questionable moral areas. Maybe this game in particular has done a bad job of framing and condemning when those actions have belonged to playable races and factions, but this has been pretty consistent.
But here we are with the game letting us choose to take part in some unambiguously amoral actions and that isn’t enough. There are people in here posting that Blizz hates them because they dare to use basic narrative tools to show those actions as condemnable. Booooooo hooooo.
Yes, Becky, genocide is bad. And this is the biggest genocide yet. Surprise! Its the biggest condemnation yet. And you still get to participate in it to your blackened heart’s content.
Oh please. They have developers who desire deleting the characters of subscribers who disagree with their vision. Years ago they had that whole uproar about cursing out the Alliance - a good portion of their subscribers.
It is clear the devs have animosity for a portion of their player base that does not buy into their narrative. And I will tell you - the more I hear the devs speak, the more I share and reciprocate that animosity.
But I pay them to have fun. And they make the game for money. The music, art, and gameplay are great even if the writing is an incongruous show, and becomes more so every patch cycle.
I’d sincerely suggest divorcing your persecution complex from your understanding of Blizzard’s intentions and their ability to write. They don’t hate you. They’re just not great at writing for a story that takes half a decade to pay off.
… Mostly because they often just flat out forget to have it pay off.
If you read my post - I have divorced myself. I completely understand they have a profit motive, I still enjoy the game enough to pay, and that is the bottom line.
The Devs can call their subscribers “wrong”, desire to delete their characters, and they can curse them out. As they have. But the music, art, and gameplay is still fun. There is something to support still in this company, for me.
Nobody has expressed a sincere desire to delete your character.
there’s a few characters i would delete
wait 50 years
/turns over hourglass
/watches expectantly
I kid. I kid.
If I just read his quote, I would think it was a joke. If I just heard it, I would think it was a joke. Isolated.
But I saw it. He seems to have venom when he discusses the subscribers he views as “wrong”. He looked a bit red faced and as if he had been “partaking” in festivities. Many a truth is said in jest, and “wine reveals many truths.”
I have seen the devs express their vision. It paints a picture.
We’re playing an MMO, an NPC doesn’t need a character for people to get attached to, hell, it doesn’t need to be an an NPC; everyone and anyone gets attached to what they want to, I find it in poor taste to play this down. Captain Placeholder, Old Blanchy, whatever weren’t ridiculed when they were removed from the game, both are entirely Alliance-exclusive.
Regarding the Black Bride, while a non-character NPC she isn’t exactly unknown to the playerbase. A quick google search regarding Forsaken character discussion and the Black Bride is regularly mentioned as a pre-existing character Blizzard can use to represent the Forsaken that isn’t Sylvanas. So its doubly insulting people play down the loss of such a character the playerbase wanted to be represented/used over the years.
Captain Placeholder was in Orgrimmar and the goblin rocketway.
Captain Placeholder cares not for factions, only that people get to their destination.
All a quick google search of the Black Bride came up with was, “She’s the battlemaster for Arathi Basin, located in Arathi Highlands.” and “She sometimes announces arena matches located in Lordaeron Ruins.” She has two dialogue lines. One to tell you to enter Arathi Basin, and the other to say you’re not high enough level.
It’s fine to be all like, “ oh, that’s unfortunate” because an NPC you recognize is getting axed, but the overly emotional responses just make me feel like people are hamming it up to go, “Woe is me, oh WOE IS ME! Why should I bother caring about any Horde characters when they might be killed at a moment’s notice? How dare Blizzard make me fight against such a beloved and recognized figure?”
Nathanos thinks it necessary for you to “play along” and that it’s all part of the Dark Lady’s plan, so I imagine that the Black Bride’s death will be vindicated in the future.
And again, what is it particularly to you regarding people’s emotional responses of attachment to her? In this thread I’ve seen in range multiple levels and arguably each level is justified in its own right. Again, we’re playing an MMO, people get attached to the simplest or most random of things on various levels. I already stated that the Black Bride has been a reoccurring character topic of discussion over the past years within the Forsaken community, that’s not enough in your eyes to warrant attachment in a minority community of narrative enthusiasts?
Just because you fail to see the attachment doesn’t negate the attachment that people state exists. Again, I cite the likes of Captain Placeholder and Old Blanchy because, personally, I never encountered them. Yet when they were removed from the game/died I didn’t go out of my way to berate people for expressing their concern, and neither did anyone from the community if I recall.
Hell in Legion we were dealing with Alliance’s Darkshire Night Watch loss. Horde posters didn’t go “well they’re cultists now, suck it up”.
Edit: Do a bit of scrolling in this thread and Deathisfinal has already linked threads on said discussion on the Black Bride that happened prior to this patch datamine.
Boy. All this does is make Theramore even more of an atrocity to me. Consider all those NPCs with two lines and some flavor text - just gone up in flames in an instant! :’(
RIP Kinndy Sparkshine. You were my favorite.
Did Alliance players work with Garrosh to destroy Theramore and kill Kinndy for being in their way?
Because it looks like Horde characters will fight along side Jaina, killing the Black Bride and Sunreavers in Orgrimmar.
Good! Its about time you guys did the right thing for a change.
You ignore the fact that in your complaint about the Gnome, she is an Alliance character killed by the Horde. Alliance Players aren’t sent to destroy Theramore and kill her.
Horde players are slaughtering Horde characters in their capitol. Again.
That comparison is off. If you had to kill that Gnome yourself, I could see a connection.