Everyone took him seriously there. Everyone really thought the Sylvanas loyalists and the Saurfang loyalists were really going to get two different quest lines.
I honestly hope he’s serious. Deleting paying player’s characters just for siding with Sylvanas would bring a swift death to either his career, or the game as a whole, since if they do it once, they could do it again!
Just imagine… just imagine how Blizzard’s shareholders would react.
But, I must be realistic. He’s mean spirited towards fans of this series, but very likely just speaking in jest.
The proof is in the pudding, my fuzzy hatted friend.
It seems they stopped one step short of deleting our characters, and decided to drive Horde players into deleting their own characters themselves. Maybe that saves them work.
But Treng’s point is clear. They had a “right” and “wrong” side laid out from the start. Any illusions of choice came only to string along subscribers who were on the fence.
And we slowly approach MoP 2.
I think he is mean spirited to subscribers who loathe his story. He wants everyone to love his every notion or he will destroy what ever they love about this game.
Thankfully they haven’t left much for me to really care about. They can kill Lorthemar and blow up the Sunwell for all I care. Their plan is working.
Pretty sure Treng thinks Afrasiabi genuinely wants to delete people’s characters lol. Not the first time he’s brought it up framed in a way where he took his comments seriously.
There are people that are going to be loyal to Sylvanas. No matter what she does, they're going to want to follow her. And then there are people that are going to be loyal to the old Horde, and the old ways, and honor, and virtue, and- am I making this sound- am I biased? Is this bias happening? No, not at all. Not at all. No.
It’s funny. You spend the entire time in the Horde campaign, being shamed for “being evil” being told that your just as evil as the person you work for, I mean- here is a good topic on it all.
Only to turn and be SHAMED, for picking what is otherwise “the good side”. The traditional Horde. You have to continue committing atrocities, killing people and told that “you are evil for turning against Sylvanas, who was just gloating earlier that you are just as evil as she is”.
Blizzard has literally wrote Horde players into a corner and told them that no matter what they do, they are WRONG.
Talk about “Get a hint…We are trying to shame you from playing Horde PERIOD.”
I am so done with this game…It’s beyond crazy. I am 2 seconds from deleting everything and walking for good. No lie.
That’s why I do not feel represented on either side. This story does not make sense to me. If I could only be a mercenary working for money I would be happy.
That’s the other thing I don’t understand. Like you said- Why would there need to be a reason to shame someone for being what you project they are?
If the Horde are evil and such, then why do you need to drill it into everyone’s head that it’s “Bad”? If you factually intend them to be that way, then write them that way and let them enjoy it. There is no reason to make someone “feel bad” for it.
It’s like being told you are evil because of the side you picked, made to do all of these bad things and told you are a bad person for doing it and then expected to do good things to make it right or die to make it right for someone else.
I’m pretty sure that evil has no conscience, empathy and thus, shaming tactics are moot. It blows my mind.
…Most likely, they thought to themselves: “Hey, we’re running low on Horde characters that people actually care about, let’s throw this old battleground NPC on the chopping block instead. No one will care about this one dying, and it will raise tension in the story!”
Or maybe, the playerbase will riot because you’re forcing the already thin cast of Horde characters in general to slaughter each other while the morally upright Alliance with it’s bloated cast of underutilized and overpowered heroes sit on their laurels!