The Black Bride 8.2

So it appears the Black Bride is commanding, at least a portion of, the troops in the Underhold when we go down there. Seems like a Nazgrim sort of parallel to me. Not that she has ever done much, but I’d hate to see her go if thats the route to take. Give us a throw away High Executor for this.

Shaw: Baine should be just ahead.
Saurfang: It seems we must get past her, first.

The Black Bride: Halt! This area is off limits!
Saurfang: We do not want trouble--
The Black Bride: That's Saurfang! Kill the traitors!

Anyone want to take bets on if she’ll live or die?


Of all the things that hit me in the feels. This just did. Why do I bother caring about Horde characters.

I remember lumbering up Arathi with my lowbie Troll Rogue in Vanilla. My first character. The Black Bride was intriguing. Nothing really great happened in Arathi, but leveling there sticks out in my memories. I think because it was a very “classical fantasy” region. Humans. Dwarves. Brigands. Undead. Orcs. Trolls. Grassy fields and trees. Something about Arathi, or maybe everything about it, was just great. And she was a part of that.

I always wanted more story for her. I was absolutely thrilled when she made an appearance in the Undercity during Legion for the PvP stuff.

But getting killed off in this travesty of a farce of a plotline… Yeeesh. Killing Dark Rangers. Killing Sunreavers. And now, potentially killing her. My word.

Though, I did meet her in Vanilla. I suppose having interest in Horde characters was a noob mistake. A mistake I make less and less as time goes on.


Well, I think blizzard has made it clear that if you’re not friends with Baine Saurfang, Thrall and Jaina … you’re playing the wrong game. All the villains are likely to die.


I really hope she survives.
What I find strange is that at this point is the missing of Forsaken siding with the rebellion, lets be real Blizz can’t just erase a race from a faction. Back in MoP the orcs had Saurfang, Eitrigg, Thrall…

At this point the only two major characters for Forsaken are Sylvanas and Nathanos and thats it. (Lilian Voss is NOT a forsaken leader or even representation of them.)


Ah, so that’s the solution to the horde running out of notable NPCs! Random named ones start getting offed instead.


Can’t say I have any particular fondness for the character, but it’s a cool name.


I always had a soft spot for her in my old days of playing WoW… this bums me out to be honest.


I dunno why, but I found Saurfang’s line hilarious. Like, you’re sneaking through the Underhold with the leader of Alliance intelligence, and your first retort when you get caught is “We don’t want trouble.”

Truth be told, I had to google her to remember who she was. Still though, it would suck to lose her. So that’s probably what’s gonna happen.

Shame. I always did like Arathi.


Me, sneaking onto the White House’s lawn with Osama bin Laden


Shes either with us or against us.

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I don’t want to kill her ;_;

(or the Sunreavers for that matter)


How dare you not wanting to kill a forsaken in the expac they are the evil ? Blasfemy!


At one point, back when we truly didn’t understand, when someone asked how the story could get worse, i jokingly said that Saurfang could ask you to infiltrate Grommash Hold with SI:7.


I don’t want to be right anymore.


You had Zelling siding with Baine before he got killed.

The concept that Sylvanas doesn’t tolerate dissenting opinions in the forsaken is well established by this point.

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It’s precisely my point here. They killed a very well written character that many Forsaken could get behind in the rebellion for what? To antagonize Sylvanas even more??


Blizzard to Horde players : Do you like a specific Horde character that you want to see more of ?
Excited Horde players : Oh we love X and Y and Z !
Blizzard : Burn it !


Aw jeez, Blizzard…you’re going to make me kill Sunreavers and the Black Bride while helping Jaina rescue Baine?

Why are you doing this to Horde players? I feel like Blizzard would literally show up at our homes and kick us in the groin if they could. “Oh, you picked Red at the selection screen, did you? That’s what you get. That’s what you get!


i really hate blizzard.


I’m almost afraid to joke about the next Forsaken character(s) we’re going to have to kill since they’re clearly running out of named NPCs to throw at us and I don’t want to remind them which ones are still around.


Oh I’m certain that Horde Players rescued Belmont in Darkshore just so he could be killed in Sylvanas’ raid as a member of the “New Desolate Council” fight.

Lets see…

Belmont as the Rogue
Lady Cozwynn as the Priest
Alexi Barov as the Warrior

Who else can we add of the limited Forsaken Roster to be on the chopping block?

I mean, there’s only what… three or four more total?