The Black Bride 8.2

Don’t blame them for Darkshore. We blame the War Campaign for that.

I liked her too (aside from killing Gizmo).

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One of the Dark Rangers in the Underhold seems to be Lenara, the dark elf Archer recruiter for the Unseen Path in Legion, if anyone cared about her. We have to distract her while sneaking through.

I don’t think we kill her, but she seems to be a part of Sylvie’s forces.

I wouldn’t say that’s the same. We killed members of the Night’s Watch that joined the Legion and slaughtered half of Darkshire. If anything invervention there actually saved what was left of the town.

That’s not really the same as killing your own faction over political differences, those Night’s Watch betrayed their people by joining the Legion.


Lol a character with a meme name and like no story is gonna die, at leasts its not dumass or whatever.

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I mean we are killing Sylvanas loyalist in the hopes of ending the war and possibly saving whatever shred of dignity the Horde has.

We are also killing undead night elves who have now joined Sylvanas and betrayed their people. Really, both sides have been dealt a bad hand and we all have to roll with it.


Oh sweet merciful Christ yes. Lets imagine killing Night Elves after Teldrassil.


Villains need to be stopped. I just do not want to have to join Baine and Jaina for this, but apparently Baine is the remnant of honor in the horde.

I feel you, man, if it wasn’t for the fact that, this is Thrall’s re-entry into the Horde narrative, I’d want nothing to do with it either. But if they could at least do the same thing like they did on the Banshee’s wail, and spare the majority, it may be at least somewhat tolerable.

Like, the inclusion of the Sunreavers specifically is a fairly odd choice, especially when Lor’themar aligns with Baine. It’s like they’re just LOOKING for Horde characters to kill off, at this point.


She isnt an important NPC, but the issue isn’t that she’s important.



Except Sira and Delaryn.

Kill them. Burn them. Give me a Dragon Soul McGuffin, so I can unmake them across all timelines.

Just. Get. Rid. Of. Them.


Couldn’t agree more.

As Horde, doing the Darkshore warfront is like listening in to a Night Elf soap opera. I mean, warfronts are pointless loot delivery mechanisms anyway, but that one feels like you should just leave Maieve and Sira alone to hash it out.


I still just can’t even get over the quest from right before the Warfront.

Tyrande: “Sisters. Fight the darkness in your hearts!”
Sira: “You abandoned us, even though I could clearly see you running up five feet away when I died!”
Delaryn: “We ArE fOrSaKeN.”


Five feet too late :frowning:

This isn’t a sneaky deal. Afrasiabi stated that there was a right and wrong option and were it up to him, characters who chose the wrong one would be deleted. He said it last Blizzcon.


That…doesn’t seem accurate. I need a citation.

That sounds pretty dumb to me.


I’ve cited it umpteen times.

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Alex Afrasiabi at :

    We have to have two story narrative lines that we have to pursue, and we have to make sure we're doing both of them justice. So now the loyalist [to] Sylvanas need to have their own line. And loyalist to Saurfang and the old honor bound Horde need to have their own line, right? Which I actually think is awesome. Which I think is just super cool. It's just not something that's ever been done in World of Warcraft. It's been done in a lot of games in a lot of different ways. So, that's really where that stems from. And so for us this is a bit of test to see how far we can take this. And you know, I push back as far as like, take it all the way, right? And delete your characters. The losing side: You're done. And Pat [Patrick Dawson, Lead Software Engineer] keeps telling me we can't do that. And I keep saying "We can do whatever we want." But he keeps saying we shouldn't. So I'm going to err on the side of professionalism and say we shouldn't.

Given all the “Play Along” that keeps being given to the Sylvanas loyalists, turns out that the two quest line test didn’t go very well.


You… guys took Afrasiabi seriously there?


is he stupid? you delete peoples character they will quit and possible people will quit along side them that think its a stupid idea. its a suicide move.