The beyond abysmal state of PvP on Oceanic servers

1-2 hour battleground queue times for Horde which last for most of the season (Until the few weeks of fvf)
10-30 min queue times at 1700 ratings in arenas
2v2 and 3v3 basically dead brackets
5v5 only alive once a week due to players getting points
We DONT have our own ladder despite only facing other Oceanic teams. WE CANNOT PLAY AGAINST ANYONE ELSE.
It will be 100% impossible to gain Gladiator titles in 2v2 or 3v3 brackets.
It will be NEARLY impossible to even gain Gladiator in 5v5 bracket.
Currently only 1 team within range for Gladiator but will more certainly fall out of range once they announce 2 weeks end of season and other USA team grind and inflate their ratings.

And yet there has been no blue posts even acknowledging they are aware of it. Theres basically no point in even queuing for pvp of any kind. You sit in 1 hour queues for battlegrounds or you sit in 30 min queues for arenas which you can’t even obtain awards for at the end of the season. People quitting all the time from top teams because they know theres no point even trying to play.

Even if you allowed us to play Vs USA now, assuming we can even compete with 200ms most of us are going to be screwed because we are so behind in gear due to our limitations on arena ratings.

Way to take a massive dump on the entire Oceanic region. Cheers Blizzard.


Remember when Blizz merged you with US servers for PvP and you screamed so loud that Blizz reversed the merger?

Yeah, so do we.


I didn’t play when this happened. So I don’t remember.

The rest of us do.

The Oceanic players killed Oceanic PvP.

You can’t lay this one at Blizz’s feet.


I’m confused. Were there an Oceanic player who was a Blizzard dev who made this change or something?

I believe you.

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Another worthy post to add to your 5000+ count


Here, I’ll take pity on you.

It’s on the front page right now.


LOL, how gross is it

Not true at all. Blizzard had a variety of options available to them but in true Blizzard fashion they went with the poorest yet easiest to implement solution. We could have had our own OCE ladder with instant HvH ques and a thriving pvp scene. Too late now though.

That’s an odd way to spell “100% true”.


This. Blizzard did merge them with us and they lost their minds, demanding it be changed back. And now they are here demanding it be changed again.

If I was blizzard I would ignore Oceanic players too.

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Another moronic take from someone who is overly generalising. I hate to break it to you but we aren’t a hive mind.

As per usual the loud portion of the community drowned out those who could see the writing on the wall for OCE pvp.

Maybe not, but, thanks to your compatriots, you’re stuck PvPing on your own servers.

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That’s a much more accurate statement, sadly. Though the NA transfer is still on the table. If things get too desperate…

so its blizzards fault that there aren’t enough oceanic players? Just transfer/reroll to a US server instead of asking for blizz to fix something thats seemingly impossible to fix.

Perhaps, one day, they’ll teach English in the Antipodes.

Scoff, “Much more” is perfectly fine to say.

Several problems here that you are blaming entirely on being in a different battle group, but in reality are the result of a few problems.

  1. Too many Horde players who rolled horde for BETTER racials, I was one of them I no longer PVP as horde because the Q’s are just too long and now contribute to the solution; so should you.
  2. Blizzard KILLED PVP participation by making some bad choices and additionally killed PVP via allowing certain bugs and exploits and potentially some unintended things go on too long driving many away.
  3. Blizzard allowed for the stock piling of Honor Pre-70 and while this was not technically a problem it became a problem because the rate of gains were higher at 60 for a time than they were at level 70 cap at any point; the difference in gains is so tremendous that I have no words to describe it other than 10X gains vs what we have now.
  4. Blizzard’s lack of quality communication, poorly implemented “solutions” like HVH BG’s instead of Free Faction transfers, and the FAILURE that are paid Server Transfers that are quite factually destroying entire realms in turn the game’s population are among the many things killing PVP participation.

When you have all these factors in the same game system you get low participation and a game that hemorrhages subscriptions.

All these failure modes are destroying both the BG’s and Arena, and your woes about Arena participation down under aren’t much worse than what we have in NA where they are a no kidding hand full of teams playing during prime time making the experience very stale. Your near by friends complained about being MERGED to NA because the lag was not pleasant, and I agree no one wants to play on a Laggy connection; its even worse in arena if you’re not playing a Caster or Arms warrior who’s got 400 yards of leeway on its attacks, Feral, Rogue, Enhance, all suffer greatly due to lag, and you cant hit anything. That’s a fault of Blizzard low quality design and no one wants to play like that.

So here we are, a community divided by too much latency and no way to fix it all paying a company that treats us poorly and doesn’t deliver quality.

What are we to do? I canceled 4/5 of my subscriptions and the 5’th dies with the launch of 3.0 because I know it will be bad.

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Just ONE team getting glad on OCE, rest of the 17-18 spots just stolen to the US when we cant even catch em.

Can we atleast get a statement so we know if we have to transfer off, otherwise we are just playing in the dark