The benefits of RDF FAR outweigh any potential social deficits

See I told you a dozen times that I always joined the rdf with a couple of friends. So now you’re just being an azzhat to push your ridiculous agenda. You’re not very smart but not stupid enough to not have read and understood that. You can have a good guild and friends list and still not always have a full group with a tank and a healer on at every time for every one of everybody’s alts. That’s the reason there’s a lfg channel and because it was so often unsuccessful the devs spent the time and money to make a much better tool, rdf


we know we already established you want the teleport function if you have friends you don’t need RDF. especially in a 5 man maybe a raid this would hold some grounds but in a 5 man where u only need 1 extra please just being dramatic you cant find one person out of 2500 players just laughable. you want a quicker way of getting around with said friends. if you are missing people you have not socialised enough. if you had you would not have issues finding 1 person.

It’s never been established. That’s just an ignorant bs line you’re pushing that’s never been backed up by any data or proved in any way, shape, or form.

I said a couple. You decided that meant 3 or 4. Now you’ve decided a couple means 4 so we only needed 1 to fill out the group. You’re lying scum twisting what I’ve clearly posted to push an agenda.

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the fact my quote says one speaks worlds here.

It absolutely does. It speaks to anyone paying attention that you’re lying since you cannot find a single post where I said we joined the rdf to get the last 1 person we needed.

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we have established getting one person is not hard may take a little time yes but it certainly obtainable… please tell me why you need this since you now have 5 people ? since you just stated you only need 1.

the only other function it does it teleport you around and dump xp on you at the end. but then blizzard had to stop mage boosting because it was ruining the game. logic here?

Look I get it. You level to get to cap or to get gear. If you had the gold you’d sit afk at the entrance of a dungeon while you watched netflix and paid a mage to level you. But some of us play the game for fun and doing dungeons with a group is fun for us. We don’t think the systems that were in original wrath should be changed. We want the wrath rdf in wrath classic


well you see…many are avoiding dungeon right now. prepatch scaling has broken many of them. tanks are getting 2 shot. tanks who know how they are supposed to run. they are low level alting friends. damage is off the charts for mobs and bosses.

when mythic 0 doesn’t 2 shot tanks and a legacy dungeon does…something is wrong. Really hoping Ion fixes that. right now wow gets elden ring inspire dungeons.

you moved left…death!.

moved right, good. aww, you moved left again. Death!

This dood really out here advocating for 50% exp bonus over literally a tool that gets people together. In an MMO.

They really want us out solo questing to 80, never interacting with anyone and playing this like we do Skyrim, completely on our own.


you never met LFR?

Even with the research you’ve linked, I have my doubts about the truth if this. You can’t say for sure that this applies to everybody equally. If you’re not engaging in much social activity in your day to day life, then the socialization in the game is probably very beneficial. If you are getting that outside the game, then the stuff that usually goes on in a dungeons run is like adding a few thimbles of water to a gallon jug. It’s not moving the needle very much.

While it’s, of course, not quite as simple as OP said it, his main point isn’t wrong. The people who want to talk will talk. The people who don’t want to talk won’t talk. That’s true even with the current tool. You think everybody was chatting away in dungeon groups back in 2007?

I was here for all of Wrath. After the first three months or so getting groups for anything but the heroic daily was extremely difficult. It’s already getting to that point again. There’s simply not much to do in this game, from a PvE perspective, but raid and level alts. Old Blizzard realized this, that’s why they added the heirlooms, the flying tome, and RDF. All things to give the game some alt friendliness.

I think this is true. However, if you want a group where you can have some control over the composition, it’s still possible for you to get a group from your guild or friends list, then queue RDF together. Why does nobody acknowledge this?

I, personally, am not turning a blind eye. My contention is that you’re trying to apply very broad research for this specific thing in this specific community. There are way more factors than RDF that might have had a detrimental effect on the WoW community. We know this because we can look at another MMORPG that has similar systems, but a much nicer community. Now, it could be that all the nice people are over there, but that doesn’t seem likely. So we’d need to look at alternative reason why this community is what it is.


Personally, I’m not playing a game I don’t find fun. I might jump on occasionally, but I’m certainly not going to put the amount of time an MMO requires into a game I’m not enjoying. Even if my RL friends are there, and especially not for people I only know in game, it’s not worth it. I don’t have enough free time in my life to justify using it like that.

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This is incorrect. I was the mage getting paid, I have plenty of gold.

You can think whatever you want, but RDF is just not coming to Classic. If it’s not even more evident by the recent community council live chat that was posted I don’t know what to tell you.

It’s time to figure out what comes next.

We’ve gotten to a point in which you won’t agree with anything else I might have to add. Talk to the experts, people that have studied sociology, or psychologists. Read other papers published by medical magazines or universities. While face-to-face social interactions are more beneficial, there have been several studies about online socialization as well. Don’t be satisfied with I have shared: I’ve shared less than 5% of what I’ve read, watched and talked about it.

Also, ask about how a social environment can affect how talkative people are. Try talking to a stranger on a bus in a small city, do the same in a big city. From what I’ve been told, talking on the bus in some cities in Asia is considered to be rude, even if you are talking on the phone. I started to play the game in 2007, and I remember people chatted more in dungeons; that changed a few months after RDF was introduced, and it seems we haven’t been able to go back to that yet.

Imagine that RDF is implemented: if I wanted to choose who I run a dungeon with, the pool of players on a local server would be reduced more than what it already is, making it harder to find people to group with. People will flock to the system’s convenience after some frustration with either, taking longer or being unable to find enough players to run dungeons. No RDF allows me to have more people on my friends list, and since my guild is alt-friendly, I would find less people in my guild, because they would either, be solo players, or join raiding guilds. Saying grouping without RDF is optional would come to a point where it would be almost impossible to do, if not completely. With less people playing Wrath today, I estimate that a waiting queue for dps in old Azeroth dungeons could be anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, if not longer; trying to get a group without RDF would take even longer. It’s not that we don’t acknowledge it, it has been discussed during many weeks on several threads.

Other games don’t have the level of competitiveness that WoW has; people here tend to be more aggressive, starting with the Alliance vs Horde premise, and PvP systems. We can’t make a fair comparison between WoW’s community and other games’ ones with similar systems. In my opinion, the things that hurt the social aspect of the game the most are RDF and Gear Score and iLevel; all hell broke loose after those were introduced in the game. I’m not saying that RDF and GS/iLvl lead to the decline of subscribers, but they impacted heavily the social aspect of the game.


RDF is for cringers brah

They also said no Classic servers, ever. And here we sit. I really wish people like you could use critical thinking skills or even common sense.

People tell people all the time It will never happen and it does, so come off that high horse you think you sit on and join the grown ups in reality.

We can and will most likely change their mind.

So again…you were saying…?


I would just like to say that I’m personally finding groups without RDF in significantly less time than I remember it taking back in Vanilla. I feel like, at least on my server, there are plenty of people still doing old content as I have been contacted multiple times for groups for dungeons as I level my alt.

If you have watched the recent Community Council live chat it will become even more evident that RDF couldn’t be further from their minds. Rightfully so, the extremely large majority of players continue to simply play the game.

If you want to be taken seriously, stop playing the game, stop giving them your money and go join a private server. That’s how we got Classic, not by coming here to complain about not having Classic.

Are you saying you somehow contributed to WoW classic being a thing?

Maybe we should. If we all organize a mass unsubscribing and go elsewhere, it might just motivate these devs into giving us RDF for Classic WotLK. I just wonder why you’re giving us advice about this when you don’t want RDF.

Hey I’d be happy to show you the door, brah.