The benefits of RDF FAR outweigh any potential social deficits

Ultimately its up to the player to make or break their own social experience. If you want to have a good social experience: talk more, be nice, and have a good time with the people that you group with even if they are “randos” from the autoqueue. They are still human and so are you. Manually listing yourself in LFG tool and walking to a dungeon together has very little bearing on social interaction and if your kind of social interaction requires these things then you need to rethink your ideas of positive social interaction.

I use the LFG tool for mythic+ on live WoW often, and for those unfamiliar, it’s basically exactly like the current LFG tool in wotlk.

When I use it, there is zero noticeable difference between the type of social interaction that occurs and the kind that is seen with RDF.

For some people RDF makes leveling alts way more fun because you can actually grind dungeons to level instead of questing which is a breath of fresh air for people like me who actually enjoy social dungeons more than solo questing.

Regardless of the above points the real checkmate is the fact that RDF, when implemented, will be completely optional. Those that hate it can still make groups via the LFG tool. The only reason anti-RDF people don’t like this take is because they want to force people to play the same way they do. They want to limit the options available to the player, not increase them. There is no logical/moral reason that justifies intentionally stripping people of the ability to choose how they want to play and more specifically how they decide to queue for a dungeon.

The cherry on top of all of my above points is that RDF was in original wotlk, there is immense precedent for it. To remove a feature that already has such precedence is silly and only limits the options that players have for no other reason than to force them to play a certain way because other people think they should.

EDIT: They are not equal however because RDF is more time efficient than listing oneself on the LFG tool. It’s just a MUCH better user experience judging by every metric. Its not even a close and nuanced comparison, RDF is just better in every regard.


5man content is dead at this point.


Sounds like you want to play Retail.


Lets be honest. While this is technically true, the fact is that the vast majority of people will use RDF if it’s there. The anti RDF people know that. That’s why they fight so hard to keep it out.

I’m going to toss the anti RDFers another bone. The entire purpose of a game is for you to succeed inside of developer defined limits or rules. That’s kind of what makes it a game. These particular developers however, have completely misread the situation, and removed something that didn’t need to be removed.

Unfortunately, no changes is long gone at this point. We’re into more remaster territory instead of re-release. I just wish they’d give the anti RDF people Classic+ instead of making Wrath worse by catering to them.


Look at this point everyone has heard all the arguments everyone has made up their opinion on rdf no one will be changing their mind at this point


which is why RDF is essential.


Why it’s unnecessary.


You should look up some research on shared social experiences… and also notice that there is a psychology department at Blizzard.

It’s quite possible that this type of cross-realm, automated grouping is the main difference between Retail and Classic.


As entertaining as it is to see you keep talking to someone that chose to ignore your existence, I must admit I’m growing this sentiment of pity against you.

It must be sad to insisting on interacting with someone that completely disregard your existence just for the sake of trolling.

At this point you really should look out for help. It is not healthy at all.

And as you just said:

to continue talking to someone that ignored you. Maybe try on another character I guess?


You can respond on your DK instead of this cringe act.


I want to play wrath with the wrath talent trees and the wrath spells and the wrath rdf. Why would you think that I want to play retail?


Warmane that way →

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It is not.
To tell you the truth, currently this is gatekeeping others from playing and the game is dying every day.

Classic was retail once and since Blizzard decided for progressive game, it should continue evolving and let others continue playing as progressive game through the different expansions.

People that are hardcore vanilla gamers can play “Classic Era” but we all know no one wants to play classic era (or SoM).

People are having a hard time to understand so simple concept. Makes me wonder if they really have hit a ceiling of their mental capacity or they’re just trolling at this point.

The goal of classic was to reproduce the game as it was and if possible improve it, not purposefully damage it to the point where the number of players is dropping each every day.

Lol I guess she will keep doing it until she realizes no one cares about her.


Responding to yourself is extraordinarily cringe.


It’s so common for those against the rdf to tell people to go steal the game. It tells us a lot about their morals. It’s impossible for them to consider that some of us aren’t thieves. I guess when you’re a thief you think everyone else is too.


There is no question that it is possible.

The fact that there is a psychology department and Blizzard is able to do the research and make the type of decision that Dungeon Finder is not inline with the design intent of Classic may even suggest that is is probable.

I hardly think they made any research with anything related to psychology department. At all.

Have you read their piece about the “values”? That piece was the worst crap I’ve ever read. That design philosophy is something that you do when you CREATE something. This is not their creation. They are taking something that others created before them and turning into something that we can clearly see the majority of the community despise their decisions and have been calling out for a fix for so long.

I wonder how much more people will have to stop playing until they actually admit their wrongdoing. Perhaps never. they will blame the classic players for not being “classic enough” (with so many changes they’re doing, they’ve already destroyed “classic”).


Feel free to lead by example and unsub. Your guild will undoubtedly miss its favorite blue parser.


The shared struggle of two people flying to the instance and summoning the other 3 who didnt travel?

This doesnt require peer reviewed research, give me a break…

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The travel was never the problem.
The problem is actually the pool of players doing heroics.

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