The Benediction introduce yourself thread!

Hi all, I’m Pippa. This is my first alliance character, my first warlock, and my first time on a PvP server. Having a great time so far, feel free to /wave and say hi if you see me out in the world. Or kill me. Whichever you feel is best.

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Nice too see ya on the forums! Hope your first alliance is fun!

Hello! I’ve been playing off and on since launch and have decided to make one last ride into the sunset with Classic(we’ll see). I played alliance on Darkspear during vanilla and hope to recapture some of the same feels. Currently building up for tanking at 60 and looking for more for late night play.


Hi my name is terrible, I am a grump old(39) man who doesn’t have no time for your crap.

I like to tank, I can handle the new AoE meta, but I don’t like it and I try to avoid it as much as possible. I am currently leveling dual wield even though it’s worse!!!111oneone!11!!0!!011!!

Pretty much I’m a giant troll on world, but I only really troll Ownyoufast.
I’m aiming for Armorsmithing, currently at 217 Blacksmithing and 230 Mining. If you need stuff crafted, hit me up I guess.

If any aspiring warriors out there are reading this, and you’re not super high level I’ll make you some gear pro bono.


Proudhon (Paladin)/Zapitista ( Mage) and my wife Beckystrikes (Warlock). Just started, still low level, not power leveling (I kind of am, but 2 at once so…).

I played from Beta till around the drop of BWL then off/on up through TBC (Capped a Rogue/Druid/Paladin/Mage). Wife is new, but played Aion (which is a wow clone I guess) pretty seriously.

We’re alliance this time around, but I’m Horde at heart. We’re chill - yes I will give you water, no we probably won’t 2v1 gank you, just wave. Unless Tarren Mill is popping off or something big/fun.

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Hey all, Morianor here! Human Prot Warrior, looking forward to running into you guys at 60. :slight_smile:

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Hey all! Tswift here, Tauren Hunter. Been playing since TBC, so glad to be able to experience Classic! Here mainly for world PVP, but also wanting to raid a good bit via pugs due to work. Catch you all out on the field, and if you gank as Alliance, I will most likely attempt to hunt you :wink:

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<3 Mega tank Tav :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the kind words. Just want everyone to have a fun time playing.

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You suck tswift all you do is camp levels 20-30 levels below you in stranglethorn lmao and still be losing to them trash boy once I get to high enough level to see your level your dead straight garbage and when levels match you you run away and stay dead and avoid all combat me and a rogue named Phillip while a level 31 (me) and level 32 (Phillip) and was wiping out everyone from level 30-60 also had a mage with me Alusive who just eats at you noob hahahahahaha

  • Sensational Druid (31)