The Benediction introduce yourself thread!

Hey guys, I thought it would be nice to start building the Benediction community. And what better way than introducing ourselves?

So if you play in this realm and happen to stop by the forum, please take a minute to say hello!

Oreo, alliance paladin here. If you ever need heals to run a dungeon don’t hesitate to wisp. :hugs:


Nixri, Troll Rogue, checking in! I’ll see you on the battlefield :slight_smile:

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Turdferguson here Human Rogue. Just moved here last night after seeing a 3 hours que on Thalnos where I originally planed to play. Luckily my name was still avaiable! Looking forward to some good world PVP and finding a guild that plans on raiding!

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Marl, NE warrior. Have a small guild here now. We moved in last night after only 5 of 25 of us could get into Herod. We have come back after a decade to play Classic. It looks like we are staying on this server. We have discord and plan to raid/pvp.

Marl - GM WarCry

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Calypte, Tauren druid. It was hard to find a decent server to roll with Horde characters, but I finally think that I’ll settle in on Benediction! People have been pretty nice to other people so far when I leveled about 10 levels, so I think I’ll have a ball on it. Thank Goodness I spotted the server unwarned when it was posted two seconds later…also got a name I really wanted (Meek). Hope to see my fellow Hordies and Tauren around! You’ll most likely see me give you Thorns, Mark of the Wild and occasional heals to fellow strangers.

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Watersource, Gnome Mage…the best water vendor on the server :slight_smile:

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Boodaddy, former character is Trivan of bleeding hollow…We are here to be competitive, if you’re alliance you will receive no quarter on the battlefield. Run when you see us. WARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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Horde Hunter Iterator. Originally from Stonemaul, Dentarg, and Zuluhed. Here looking to expand my classic melee hunter skills. I like helmets, stikerz, and punting gnomes a day for a good health.

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Gehenna the rogue from illidan. Mythic raiding has been annoying so ima give this classic thing a go. think my new chars name is weedeater

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Hi I’m the guild leader of Rise up and I will now copy and paste my favorite monologue from the movie Zoolander.

Do you understand that the world does not revolve around you and your “do whatever it takes, ruin as many people’s lives, so long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way, just so long so you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied and dying along the way”?..

Thank you that is all


Iceheart / Skaag here. Played on Crushridge on Live with Inconceivable, The Purge, and Township Rebellion. And EQ Vallon Zek server as Defiant and Xanit k’ Ven wayyyy back in the day.

We were going to Herod and then Stalaag, but not enough could get on. Our group is slowly getting more people over though and are excited to play vanilla wow again and reunited with old friends. Playing under the guild tag The Purge now. If anyone is from Crushridge, Vallon Zek, or just looking for long time mmorpg people, send us a message. So far we are enjoying the server and community.

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But why male models?

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Stench, undead priest. Looking forward to enjoying the grind with all you people. If you see me out somewhere please say hi … or at least try to gank me - it is the PvP way.

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Hi all! The name is Bonejuice (forums have not updated my Classic character yet), guild leader of Aftermath. Myself, as well as a large group of friends, moved here from Herod as the queues were unbearable! We are a bunch of old vanilla vets that just want to play the game we love. Hope to have fun playing alongside all of you! :crossed_swords:

Welcome! Did you guys roll on Horde?

Yes I rolled horde and have my forum name updated now. :grinning:

Yoshi rogue here, been playing since release, was on senjin server where I mained a mage yazmin for 7 years before switching, this is my new long term home, I play classic only now.

Hi all,

Benogan here, aka the bag Baron, you may have waited in line for my bags on day 1 in razor hill.

Officer of guild kek, we’ll be hunting alliance kekking our way to the top.

:rofl: Love it! :crossed_swords:

Hey all Xariz here. Never got a real tast of Vanilla ad i started in BC. Been playing WoW on and off for the last 12 years and was getting bored/burnt out on FFXIV so decided to come back and give classic a shot.

So far im enjoying my experience and im having a blast playing an mmo where there is a sense of danger while exploring. Looking forward to some server communities again in this experience and looking forward to playing with everyone!

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