The bean counters win again

Wow, you’re clever.

and you’re not :man_shrugging:

Ardenwield zone just doesn’t work. We cannot test the souldbinds as they dont exist yet so have had 0 chance to test them for balancing. Covenant abilities are still not working in raids and mplus so again cannot test for balance. Many quest lines are bugged with needed to collect items or kill mobs that don’t exist. Some of the world quests are bugged like the kyrion flying one. Certain boss mechanics are not working as intended or at all period the list goes on


I don’t have any of those issues with ardenweld, covenant abilities or soul binds, they’re all working fine for me

And I just did the kyrian flying wq the other day, worked fine

Honestly if more restrictions get lifted later this year it would be a joke.
The numbers in the US are ridiculous to look at, the covid situation is not getting any better, if anything it gets worse by the day.

But yes, kind of feels early. Certainly word on the street from a lot of people in the beta at least.


I imagine the timing is exactly that. They don’t even have the wild pets in beta yet - I remember BfA beta, leveling up a few characters via pet battles.

That isn’t going to happen even if Trump get reelected and certainly isn’t going to happen in October.

You are giving those two way too much credit…

Cleansing the 3rd soulbind is still impossible as the npc doesn’t exist just checked. You are right though they did fix the flying wq

So with no evidence you just make up this statement based on your feeling?

This is insane LOL. You all just make stuff up based on your feeling without any hard evidence. Maybe it was already pushed back? Couldn’t the opposite be true? Who could predict a global pandemic?

You aren’t making any sense. Sometimes there is no conspiracy no grand scheme. I think what you see in the world you are actually looking at in yourself. This is a game and it isn’t that serious.

The beta has a few bugs, but it’s mostly playable. Like almost completely playable, honestly. The team is probably down to the last couple hundred tickets, if not even further.

I think when people say “rushed” they mean “no one has announced “x” feature I want”. Honestly, it’s fine.

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8.3 has been a long, drawn out slog and assuming SL is stable I’ll be happy to hop into it.

Now that’s the type of answer I was wanting.

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I’ve played it. It’s not that great.

They don’t measure this statistic, and it does not affect their game development. The only metric they use is ‘monthly active user’ and you’re counted on that as long as you’ve logged in once during a given month. Doesn’t matter how often you log on that month, or how long you’ve logged on for in each session. Could be 5 minutes, could be 5 hours, they’ll still log you as a monthly active user.

I didn’t, I read this:

Which was more than enough to convince me they need more than a month. Add on these:

Where they are doing massive mechanical changes this late in the game… and yeah, there is no possible way it’s ready to ship.

Looks like balance and tuning phases to me, which are happening right on schedule.

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Balance and tuning are numbers, not mechanical. Covenants are impossible to balance or even make work if you read that thread due to the mechanical issues inherent in some of the abilities. So no this is core dev iteration, not balancing and tuning.

People like you “think” its rushed because beta was earlier in the year and release is now in Oct. What you dont realize is they are much further ahead in the expansion in development that I’m sure are almost in the last patch and finishing that up. They plan 2 expansions ahead. What you get on the beta is meant to be barebones just enough.

As a software engineer if I did this I would be grossly incompetent. User Acceptance Testing must include all relevant systems in their final form. It has two outcomes: either the users can use the system or they can’t. So no I can’t possibly believe they are intending that. As waterfall as their development cycle is it’s not surprising they are launching something half finished.

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Just enough is the covenant system. People expecting way more out of the beta and no beta is ever supposed to give you full on everything.