The bean counters win again

Yes it is! That’s why it’s a beta. The systems must be fully present, not all the content but the systems. If the systems aren’t there then you’ve de-facto invalidated the entire UAT. At which point you wasted time with having a Beta in the first place. Getting bad data from having a partial implementation is worse than having no data because it’s misleading.

I’m looking at that wowhead page, and at best the mechanical changes are minor, and in relation to balance and tuning mostly. Seems like you’re doomsaying.

No I’m not. This is a shambolic software development process they are following (not the worst… I’ve had clients that are far far far worse). The fact that there is so much misunderstanding of the software development process is not surprising at all. But it is disappointing that people are so accepting of how bad it has gotten these days. I hold Blizz to the same standards I hold myself and the teams I work with, and honestly I’m disappointed but not surprised.

Reminder to remain polite and civil, this is bordering on violating that.

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I would say it’s more so the two new consoles that are coming out over any video game.

Doomsaying? It’s not an insult. It’s not ‘uncivil’ you’re spreading doom and gloom, unjustifiably, since I’m 90% sure you don’t have beta access and have no idea what you’re talking about in respect to how the beta testing is progressing.


What about my statements have been false? Is it a lie to say that cyberpunk will make more headlines than WoW when cyberpunk gets released late November? Is it a lie to say that the covid gaming boom is not important for developers or investors? Is it a lie to say that earnings calls are important and considering the date and time of the release its very convenient? Like what are you getting at?

I hope you realize that taking real world industry news and financial estimates plays a significant role in determining actions by companies and its important to do when gauging investments for a company.

That is a great point. People are ignoring these huge industry developments and thinking this date was picked out of a hat

armchair experts think they know more than the QA team lol!!!

They must have dumped money into an ad campaign, it keeps popping up on my various feeds.

Is it a boring generic game?

The fact that you think this is all about a time played metric when it isn’t perhaps?

The gimped Q&A team that got us balanced corruptions

And no one is claiming we know more just that there are many issues out there still unfixed. Fact is we have seen and experienced the poor job they did in BFA but you want them to be immune to criticism because of fanboy syndrome.

My claims are based on reality. When you are ready to argue your position on how the ps4, xbox, cyberpunk, covid, and other real world developments do or do not affect the release date I will be more than happy to engage

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A company about money, you don’t say?

Q&A teams don’t fix bugs or make changes to the game in any fashion.

They search for and find bugs, then hand them over to the developers for them to fix.

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Cuz they had a lot of time to work on it.

I mean it is what it is.

Yea and as a team they had issues in bfa that even Ion said got them behind on development to fix


They also had a lot of time to work on the upcoming expansion and yet what happened? It looks like it will launch with a lot of bugs and broken features. Remember, a patch was lost in BFA for this. :+1:

No it wasn’t.

BFA had a full patch cycle, you must be thinking of Warlords of Draenor.

A full patch cycle where a patch was lost and when BlizZard admits they had to scrap a patch? Cool story.

But are you going to call the lead dev on WoW a liar now? Good luck. :+1:


Blizzard did not admit that they ‘scrapped a patch’ they stated they had no plans for a patch. There’s a difference there, and it’s fairly important.

Scrapped means you had plans for it, then shelved those plans for X reason.
No plans means you had no plans at all.

A good example of a ‘scrapped’ patch would have been the original version of patch 6.2 for Warlords of Draenor. 6.2 was going to add the second raid tier to the expansion, with the raid being set in Shattrath City, but Blizzard scrapped the idea because they were concerned players wouldn’t want ‘another Orc raid’ after just clearing Blackrock Foundry.

So that patch concept was scrapped and replaced with what we got instead, which was the original plans for patch 6.3

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Yer. I think the release date is somewhat optimistic. Have only mucked about on PTR, but a mature zone like the belf starting area having a quest bug (did report) that prevents progress is not a good sign. I am not hopeful.

Indeed. My assumption for when Shadowlands drops was early Nov. since the new PlayStation & Xbox are rumored to both be released towards the end of Nov.