The bean counters win again

Yes he has.

You know nothing of Blizzard’s balance sheets, stop acting as if you’ve got insider info from their accounting firm.

The rest of you; complain about 8.3 being too long, then complain when they announce the next ex-pac release date. There is absolutely no pleasing GD dwellers, I swear.


I wasn’t referring to the Shadowlands narrative, I was referring to the thread title and that mindset in general.

No thanks. And why are you playing a game you find garbage to begin with.

I’ll have you know I’ve complained BfA was too long, entirely.

But I am also concerned about SL releasing like the last 3 expansions. Rough.

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Legion release was the smoothest I’v seen by far.


Activision Blizzard is a publicly traded company.

It’s legally required to publish its balance sheet.

Sorry so that means I cannot think logically and base my thoughts on metrics blizzard has used in the past or look towards the market of interactive entertainment to make a prediction? Yea you can sit down and only think when you are allowed to. You can have that life. I wont.

And I am just going to throw this out there before we get into it. But man i love your mog. Hate myself for saying it too. Damn sexy pandas

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Oh, the naivety.

on the other hand taking too long with a game release could end up like Daikatana or Duke Nukem Forever

I mean it is what it is. Nothing said on the forums will change anything. Maybe it is for the better. Maybe it isnt. Whatever

Though I am trying to keep an open mind, I am seeing so many bugs in the beta and the complete lack of feedback from the devs regarding these bugs is troubling. I so hope I am wrong but I’m beginning to worry they’re jumping the gun a bit.



I hope I am wrong also. :tumbler_glass:

It’s almost like different people have different opinions :thinking:


No one, and I mean absolutely no one, should defend this garbage fire.

This is nothing but a date that has been drawn in the sand by marketing and the higher ups. The state of the beta is broken. The number of bugs from the level squish alone are astounding. Every day I logon I am submitting a new bug. Every. Day.

That’s all I have to say. Is it remotely likely they’ll pull it off? Not based on the state of their beta. Are you crazy people going to tell me the secret side beta is actually better? And that they’ll have one that fixes the most important bugs and the others don’t matter? Blizzard defenders rise up and generate the excuses, err… reasons!

Everyone should be concerned they’re pushing for an end-of-October ship date.


What’s broken?

A week before earnings. It truly is the bean counters, thats no coincidence.

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Well good thing they got 2 months.

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complaining about complainers is still complaining. what’s your excuse?

or another thought. They want to give everyone more than enough time to hit max level before anniversary fun.

playing shadowlands right now is like having a job you hate. will rushing it make it any worse?

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