The bean counters win again

The beta has a few bugs, but it’s mostly playable. Like almost completely playable, honestly. The team is probably down to the last couple hundred tickets, if not even further.

I think when people say “rushed” they mean “no one has announced “x” feature I want”. Honestly, it’s fine.

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8.3 has been a long, drawn out slog and assuming SL is stable I’ll be happy to hop into it.

Now that’s the type of answer I was wanting.

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I’ve played it. It’s not that great.

They don’t measure this statistic, and it does not affect their game development. The only metric they use is ‘monthly active user’ and you’re counted on that as long as you’ve logged in once during a given month. Doesn’t matter how often you log on that month, or how long you’ve logged on for in each session. Could be 5 minutes, could be 5 hours, they’ll still log you as a monthly active user.

I didn’t, I read this:

Which was more than enough to convince me they need more than a month. Add on these:

Where they are doing massive mechanical changes this late in the game… and yeah, there is no possible way it’s ready to ship.

Looks like balance and tuning phases to me, which are happening right on schedule.

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Balance and tuning are numbers, not mechanical. Covenants are impossible to balance or even make work if you read that thread due to the mechanical issues inherent in some of the abilities. So no this is core dev iteration, not balancing and tuning.

People like you “think” its rushed because beta was earlier in the year and release is now in Oct. What you dont realize is they are much further ahead in the expansion in development that I’m sure are almost in the last patch and finishing that up. They plan 2 expansions ahead. What you get on the beta is meant to be barebones just enough.

As a software engineer if I did this I would be grossly incompetent. User Acceptance Testing must include all relevant systems in their final form. It has two outcomes: either the users can use the system or they can’t. So no I can’t possibly believe they are intending that. As waterfall as their development cycle is it’s not surprising they are launching something half finished.

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Just enough is the covenant system. People expecting way more out of the beta and no beta is ever supposed to give you full on everything.

Yes it is! That’s why it’s a beta. The systems must be fully present, not all the content but the systems. If the systems aren’t there then you’ve de-facto invalidated the entire UAT. At which point you wasted time with having a Beta in the first place. Getting bad data from having a partial implementation is worse than having no data because it’s misleading.

I’m looking at that wowhead page, and at best the mechanical changes are minor, and in relation to balance and tuning mostly. Seems like you’re doomsaying.

No I’m not. This is a shambolic software development process they are following (not the worst… I’ve had clients that are far far far worse). The fact that there is so much misunderstanding of the software development process is not surprising at all. But it is disappointing that people are so accepting of how bad it has gotten these days. I hold Blizz to the same standards I hold myself and the teams I work with, and honestly I’m disappointed but not surprised.

Reminder to remain polite and civil, this is bordering on violating that.

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I would say it’s more so the two new consoles that are coming out over any video game.

Doomsaying? It’s not an insult. It’s not ‘uncivil’ you’re spreading doom and gloom, unjustifiably, since I’m 90% sure you don’t have beta access and have no idea what you’re talking about in respect to how the beta testing is progressing.


What about my statements have been false? Is it a lie to say that cyberpunk will make more headlines than WoW when cyberpunk gets released late November? Is it a lie to say that the covid gaming boom is not important for developers or investors? Is it a lie to say that earnings calls are important and considering the date and time of the release its very convenient? Like what are you getting at?

I hope you realize that taking real world industry news and financial estimates plays a significant role in determining actions by companies and its important to do when gauging investments for a company.

That is a great point. People are ignoring these huge industry developments and thinking this date was picked out of a hat

armchair experts think they know more than the QA team lol!!!

They must have dumped money into an ad campaign, it keeps popping up on my various feeds.

Is it a boring generic game?

The fact that you think this is all about a time played metric when it isn’t perhaps?