The average WoW player just has 1-3 characters

Maybe in Vanilla.

Maybe per day

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I think I have around 30 or so across a few servers, but lately I’ve only been really playing about …six with any frequency.

No, it isn’t true.

What is survey bias for 500 bob.

I would wager that the vast majority of people have probably on average 2 or 3 characters they actively play. The problem with pols like this is you are not getting a proper data set, your only getting a bias.

It would be like standing outside of a vegan restaurant, asking people that come out if they should ban selling meat and saying that its accurate information. There are a lot of people that play 1 maybe 2 toons but would never respond to this or even be counted in data.

The truth is there is no way for us to track this information because i dont think blizzard makes public whos accounts are tied to what characters or account meta data like that.

I mean, I don’t have the time or the desire to manage more than one character. It’s exhausting, and this game isn’t fun enough to warrant repeating content.

56 toons and yes i play every one when its dm :smiley: otherwise i am gearing up a few and play my faves the most

Omg what is this difference??? I love the poll, 15% 1-3 but then 16% 35-50; it’s either we have no alts or all the alts! No in between, hahahaha

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I have 12 and you’re telling me average player has 1-3? There is no way.

I only have this toon. And a highly neglected frost mage in Wrath Classic.

The rest I haven’t gotten them out of BFA

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Well obviously. Average players go nowhere near the forums. But it’s still some data.

It would be fun if blizz added polls to the launcher. Just random things like this.

They don’t need to, they can see how many characters everyone has, their levels and play stats.


This, thats meta data that blizzard easily has.

Usually I get tired of leveling a character after playing through the leveling zones once in an expansion but I will push through it two or three times if I REALLY want to change mains.

So 1-3 characters is accurate in my case.

I had more than three characters in the first few weeks I started playing. For a long time in TBC once I’d get somewhere in the 30s on a character it would be progressing too slow for my liking so I’d reroll. The first character I capped I was so sick of that I did zero work on it other than getting fast flying and actually retired it to level something entirely different in wrath.

Now I would estimate I have about 25 characters level 50+. I have one of each druid except normal tauren. Human, dwarf and lightforged paladins. Human, blood elf, worgen gnome and mechagnome mages. Mechagnome and Troll hunters. And those are just the classes I really like to play. I have a bunch of everything except only a single 50 dk, a single 60-something dh, a single 30-something monk. I have two evokers 69 and 70, though the 70 is on a server I abandoned so it’s dead to me. Oh I have zero warlocks, though I once had 3 or 4, I deleted them all when I realized I was just never going to be into the theme.

I only play one at a time but any given character is lucky if it lasts me two months before I either unsub for awhile and/or switch to something else. I get bored once upgrading becomes tedious. Like this character, the only stuff I’m really going to replace is my trinkets and maybe my necklace if I ever get another half-spark for an elemental lariat. Oh and my boots are pretty garbage but they have the right stats. 441 gear might as well by mythic in my world, I don’t consistently get anything better than that so that’s pretty much my accepted ceiling.

I absolutely love this character but I probably only have a few weeks to go before I start playing my troll hunter or something.

Fun fact: the character I post on in the forums is whichever character I’m currently playing. I’ve been so many different characters on here, I’m sure one of them might be trust level three but I have no idea which one it is. I’ve never got to 1000 posts on any one character either, but I’ve been posting most of the time I’ve been playing, so since TBC.

No idea what my total post count is, come to think of it. No way to know now either. Back around BfA I deleted everything off my original server so I only have one character still that was created pre-cata, all the rest of my early stuff got deleted.

I think they meant, 1-3 characters in the same class, I myself have a problem of rerolling characters of the same class in spec just to make them a different race and see if I like that better. It has to connect with me.

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Wow, just wow. I love all the responses I got in here, validating that it is in fact untrue that people only have 1-3 characters.

But flagged? my lord.

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What’s an ‘alt’?

Sarcasm aside, why was this flagged?!

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Could it be that the players that frequent forums and such happen to represent a vocal minority when it comes to having a bunch of alts?

The more casual players who only play 1-3 toons probably don’t give a hoot about chatting on social media about it.

Also, the mass flagging of perfectly valid threads is dumb and should eventually result in actions upon whoever keeps unjustly flagging stuff.

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I can prove this to be false with easy. I have, like, a bajillion toons. There is ZERO way that I am above average. Zero. Z.E.R.O

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