The average WoW player just has 1-3 characters

Is this… is this true?

Glad to see the majority here disagrees with this statement!

I made a poll!


Doubtful. Perhaps 1-3 characters they actively play…but not 1-3 characters total.


Citation needed.


lets see what would i be classified as with 15 alts lol

Well I’m classified as mentally ill by many whenever I feel the need to request for more character slots. available to buy or whatever.


I’d say with 58% certainty that its 52% true. Give or take 30%.


I have 10 characters at max level lol

I’d have more if I had taken better advantage of the Timeways event.


I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it.

… because that would make me super abnormal.


You mean 1-3 accounts filled with alts right? Most folks I know have at least 3 to 10 max level alts.


I have like 30 characters all on the same server. Roughly 6-8 of them are max level.


Same. I have an 11th at 67 that I am trying to get the motivation to finish during this TW’ing with the anniversary buff.

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Off the top of my head, I can count 13 characters that I have, although I only play 1-2 at any given time.

I’ve got 5 characters in Illidan, that’s my original server so my old main is there, was playing there earlier in DF season 1/2 before I came back to Stormrage.

I’ve got 4 characters on Stormrage, all gnomes lol, and that’s what I’m currently playing now, this guy.

Bleeding Hollow, I have another 4 characters, that was my realm I sought out for PvP, and I played there mostly during Legion.

Most characters I’ve got were because I had a cool mog or mount, and wanted a character to match, also the heritage armors.

Only 6 of those, about half, are lvl 70, and in PvP gear, because I played them for half a season or two before coming to another alt.

Imma stick on this guy probably until the end of DF.

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I have 5 that I play regularly. 20+ total across two servers.


lmao…that player thinks tauren are fluffy and cute? pretty?
Tauren are no better looking or worse than tuskarr, and yet we have TWO tauren races.
I just ignore self serving ‘information’ like that poster offers.

and I have somewhere around 100 characters total spread over multiple Bnet/Wow accounts


I need to finally get my DK to 70 so I can start working on that fantastic tier set.

And I guess finally level my Evoker now that they’re somewhat fixing Soar in 10.2.5


Played consistently, just 1 for me, but I have tons of characters.

Before they raised the limit, I had to delete a few to make new alts.

I’m waiting until they fix it to start leveling mine. Soar will make running through all the DF quests so much more fun.


I fully intend to level mine entirely through Timewalking so it won’t be necessary there.

I outright refuse to play it in the open world until they fix it, though. Playing a dragon just so you can ride around on another dragon is immersion ruining beyond any ability to rationalize it away.


Well… not in the ways that this game is designed, at least.

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Probably entirely speculation on their part, and they likely don’t play the game very much.

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