The average WoW player just has 1-3 characters

Oh I have 1-2 that I play but definitely have like 50 others


1-3 characters is the “I played WoW once for a few months back in high school and then never touched it again” amount of characters.

No one actively works on 50 characters at a time. People who say they do are full of crap.

But people get bored, try another character, rinse and repeat until they have more or less 1 of every class. Maybe missing 1 or 2 that they determined they didn’t enjoy earlier on, maybe duplicates of 1 or 2 they like for aesthetic reasons or server reasons or whatever.

Even non-altoholics get to that point given enough time subbed. It’s just kinda how it goes.

So I’d wager somewhere around 10-12 would be closer to average among people who regularly keep a sub. Realistically it’s probably even higher, especially with all of the Allied Race and Heritage Armor stuff.

I’m sitting around 21 or so personally. 12ish real characters, 8 twinks, and my old main on my old realm (the rest of which I’ve deleted since I literally don’t play there anymore and never will).

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I played five just today.

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1-3 characters they actively play? Yeah, probably.

1-3 characters total? Hell no.


I have 54 so it would amaze me to learn that someone has -51 characters

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i have two hundred thirty-six retail characters. but at max level i have one. and not all my accounts are subbed because i’m not wealthy. and i’ve never really accomplished anything of merit in the game endgame wise so i’d be a filthy altaholic casual i guess.


There isn’t a good answer for me on here. I do feel like I have enough, for now, but will likely make more if the mood strikes. There should be an option for ‘More than 100’, so it can get one vote, from me. lol

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I have 14 on Tich (of which only half are level 70), but I also have a few 70s on proudmoore and Area-52

I mean, i have four.

Well, okay, I just restarted all my guys and just leveled this dude to 70, but ill eventually have four characters

Pharazon knows what they like, which is apparently Warriors and Paladins. I can only hope to reach similar numbers one day with Monk alts. :dracthyr_comfy_green:

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I have 27 Pharazons too, but that’s also counting 6 across Classic Era and WotLK Classic. I’ve been using it in WoW since I started at the beginning of '05 ('06 for this particular character, but as a human) and online in general for 26-ish years. It’s more popular these days due to Amazon, so I’ve seen it taken on some servers as well as elsewhere while I had free reign back when I started.


Currently I have only two, because I will delete class/specs that I play badly.

At Blizzcon, Ion said 2/3rds of players who have a level 70 have multiple level 70’s and half have 3 or more.
and that is just the level 70 characters so no, I don’t think it true that the average WoW player just hs 1-3 characters.

I think Im up to 17 or 18 toons at 70 now. Will get one of each class for each faction some time next year.

I only play 3 of them at cap though.

Playing a hoofed mammal that has to ride another creature just to travel quickly on the ground…


You’re still bipedal. Four feet > two feet. Talk to me again if they add centaurs who can’t run fast.

Editorialize all y’all like but drac’thyr not being able to just fly themselves is stupid and you know it.

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The average WoW player is a FotM Reroller.

I want a 4 footed raptor

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Have 11 level 70’s that range from 424-445 ilvl atm. 10 are above 430.

It keeps me busy.

I’m an overachiever: I have 15 lvl 70s in DF. I have the resource/currency gating to thank for that: one or two toons aren’t enough to keep me entertained through the week :stuck_out_tongue:

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