The average WoW player just has 1-3 characters

I don’t know if there’s a maximum number now but I used to have to delete someone to make a new one. So I have however that many is. I play 1 as main, 4 as end game alts, and all the rest as either alt army for farming, Rp stuff, or nostalgia leveling/questing.

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I have 38 lvl 45 - 60 and three level 70s i actually play.


Lots of people seem to have many characters but only three being played at a time. Do the three change often or they’re usually the same classes or characters?


Ion on stage at blizzcon said it was false.

The poster you quoted in the intro is known for presenting his opinions as facts, and quite often makes claims that are verifiably false, so I wouldn’t put too much stock into anything they say without additional citations.


The average player does not post on the WoW Forums (or engage on any discussion forums generally), so this is not the best place to ask.

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Doesnt DH have wings? O.o

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Ever since WoD…I have had a avg of 15 max characters per expansion…

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There’s some nuance to this.

I have about 30 characters. 15 characters are on the server I play on. The others are abandoned characters,

Of the 15 on my primary server, I play 1 seriously and use a few more for acquiring pets, transmog, achievements, etc. They are acting as augmentations to my primary character.

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When they glide, or temporarily transform, yes.

If they want to give full flight to DH too then whatever. I don’t think it’s as egregious as having to walk around with a massive pair of wings on your back at all time so I don’t really care about DH in this conversation.


I kinda thought that’s what that meant. Good luck having 60 mains.

I made one of each class and tested them out some multiplied for race utility. Took me like 3 years of playing to decide a main. Every guild I played I hated me.

But that’s my reason for the small alt army I have. But definitely only play about 2 now.

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I have 4 and really only play 2

I have 49. Most are level 50 and above.


40 level 70s, a level ten twink, a old level from classic I keep for looking at, a recreation of my first character back on original server guild and someday level, and I’m planning on making two more level 70s soon, also have some classic characters on classic servers….

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It’s impossible to answer the question without more detail about exactly what they are asking. And I think the answers are pretty much meaningless without proper context.

I really only play one character, one spec. That is, one character that I actually do progression content with and anything that actually matters.

But I do have a couple alts that I’ve played in the past. Usually at some point during each expansion I’ll level them to max but I don’t usually play them much outside of world quests.

So there needs to be a distinction between having multiple characters and actually playing multiple characters.

If you had, for example, 3 characters and your time was split 33% between each, then you would obviously have a legit claim to being able to say that you played 3 characters. But if you spent 98% of your time playing one, and 1% playing each of the other two, could you really claim that you played all 3? What if it was 90%/5%/5%? Or 80%/10%/10%? Where would the breakpoint be between “relevant character” and “meaningless alt”?

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Not for me.



Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Mage and Hunter.

The rest get love on Timewalking weeks.

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I have 58 toons in total, but the majority are level 10 and below with next to zero playtime. Only 4 are at max. One for each armor type, mostly just so I can collect BoE mogs. I pretty much exclusively do content on my main.

I just don’t have the mental bandwidth to juggle multiple mains.


Or time, I would imagine.


Terminally online forumposters aren’t a representitive sample of the playerbase, MOST players are only vaguely aware that the forums exist at all.

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I have 15 at 70, and 13 over 60. I have over 50 characters in existence, most of whom ive actively played to varying degrees this past year. Maybe half a dozen exist just to hold a good name.

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