The average WoW player just has 1-3 characters

very very doubtful - I have something like 80 over a few accounts. On my main account I have 48 or so.


A large set of characters of different races and classes allows me to more quickly make some GIFs without resorting to having to constantly make and delete trial characters. Also, I have serious separation anxiety and find it very difficult to delete old characters, so some get shifted to other accounts when I need space. :dracthyr_shrug:


I’m over here raising the average. I have 4 subaccounts in my Bnet, clocking in at 166 characters, according to my Access database and Excel spreadsheets. Three at 70, with several getting close, and an average level of 32.


it is for me - I have more, but only 3 others, my main is a BMHunter


Ive got like 12 after a decent account purge but i only maintain ~4 at anytime. Most of them are alts from past expansion i get to max for armor type unlocks when nice sets come out; incase i ever want to play that class again and want to be stylish.

1~3 active/maintained characters would make sense. But to many people have old characters on past servers or factions for that to feel true for entire accounts.

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I have one of every class and more than half are max level.


If that 1-3 is even remotely true, then that would require a lot of folks to only have a single toon to offset my 28 toons total, and I don’t think my 28 is all that high from what I’ve seen and heard over the years, particularly given that I’ve been playing since mid-Wrath.

Now, of those 28, a couple of those are like level 1’s or 2’s for helping people sign guild charters, one for each faction. Plus I have some low level bankers and AH alts and others for a few other specific but limited reasons.

But I still have about 10 level 70’s now, another 10 or 11 in the level 60’s, and a couple in the 40’s or so.

Some of those were for specific reasons, like rolling toons to help with the Love is in the Air holiday achievement for female toons of at least level 18 that you’d put bunny ears on, plus a female dwarf rogue for the Turkey Lurkey achievement to help folks out. And some of those are now at or near max level, just because.

I also used to make Sky Golems pre-WoD follower table, so I had a lot of engineers and alchemists for many daily transmutes and daily CD’s to crank those out, which were pretty profitable back in the day, for only a little brainless work running them through the Tillers farm each day for cheap, nearly free mats.

Primarily, my alt focus originally was to have every profession on both factions, useful because I had a main for each faction and wanted to be as self sufficient as I could be. That was more important in my early years before I got into a good guild that helps with that now, especially with the current crafting system.

Yet I still will level them up during the expansion’s lulls, and even level up their crafting, too, although that is slower these days. It’s also useful to have that extra storage space, because virtual hoarding is a real deal, y’all, but less so after they greatly increased stack sizes for mats.

The only way I can see 1-3 toons per player being accurate is that that number includes people who made an account, rolled a toon, played for free for a few levels, and then left, never to return. I bet the average per player on active accounts would likely be in the 5-10 range, just my guestimate.

/moo :cow:


I feel like Emet’s comment needs to be clarified.

Because on A52 right now the only character classes I don’t have are a druid and a demon hunter and 10 of those characters are at level 70, Though I don’t play most of them seriously (partly because the patch dropped recently and that’s neccessitated focusing on a main).

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I’d suggest using dataforazeroth to answer this, but last I checked it seemed to think I had only 2 alts.

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Oh. Oh dear. I had 1-3 characters (max level, 2 with fast flying) in BC alone.

Now the rogue I’m leveling (61) will be my 11th level 70. Probably going to do a DH alliance side which will be my 12th.

I only actively play about 3 though.


I got 18 characters at max level and i’m looking to level two more at least.


I think we need a poll XD

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I think if you took the average of the amount of characters that all players have, it might be lower than we expect. I’m expecting like 30 because of the people in my social circles but it’s probably closer to 15 or maybe less. This is because of all the starter accounts and casual players who maybe played for a month, of which there are many. I play diablo 4 extremely casually and have one character at level 31. So I imagine it’s not too uncommon for people to play wow extremely casually and just have one or a few characters.


I hope this is allowed.


I have leveled each class to max basically since wrath. I used the boosts that come with expansions as well.

Currently have 12 at max and my warrior is 63.


I think that’s perfectly fine. We might have a little selection bias because the WoW forum users might have a higher average of character count than all WoW players in general (including those who are on a break or quit but played in the past).

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Voted. I had to go to and count them all since I’m at work.


50 retail here, now include the classics and all those characters must be around 70, most are not active of course.

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I have 3 to 5 I play on the reg and have 58 all together

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I mean… I have many characters but I probably do play only about 3 of them at any given time. I’ll switch around every once and a while too.

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