Whenever I see requests for Tuskarr

I’m reminded that only a loud minority are asking for that. The majority wouldn’t switch over to Tuskarr, especially when the average WoW player just has 1-3 characters. Not many are addicted to making Alts.

Blood Elves, Vulpera, Night Elves, Humans, and Void Elves are the most popular races by far.

They’re all “pretty”, or in the case of Vulpera they are “fluffy and cute”.

Remember Goblins, Gnomes, Pandas? Not really played all that much in comparison.

So, I can see why Blizzard wouldn’t add in Tuskarr, or other races like then.

Getting transmogs to work on them wouldn’t be a fun time. The clipping would be legendary. Especially with the rest and compact, fat torso and stubby legs. Then there’s needing to write new lore, a faction leader, and the such on why they join us.

Blizzard saw the negative feedback with Dracthyr transmog limitations. I highly doubt that they want to repeat that.

That’s why we’re getting Earthen and in Midnight it’ll be High Elves and maybe Forest Trolls.


I’m sure the source for that fact is your butt.


Says the Blood Elf.

You proved my point.


Agreed. Same for gnolls and murlocs. I get tired of seeing those requests when absolutely no one I know would genuinely play one if they got added as an AR.


Why would we be getting forest trolls?


Cuz they’re highly connected to the High, Blood, and Void Elf.


Because this is a disguised high elf post but if he said high elves alone it would be too obvious so throw in forest trolls as a minor distraction.


OP is one of those cool people that gets worked up over how people portray their characters. Rlly weird tbh

if ppl wanna be walruses let them do it idk the issue


I would like to vote for no more furry races for at least 5 years.

Time better spent improving the game, is my reasoning.


I’m glad I enjoy the lesser-played races more than any of the elves.

I pretty much always stand out.


You took the time to write that entire post … when Mechagnomes exist. Something NO ONE asked for, and is EASILY the dumbest thing ever added to the game.

Give me Tuskarr!!!


The people making races aren’t the people poorly balancing the game =)


It’s all resources in the form of money.

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Multi gorillion dollar company


Well, whether we like it or not they have a budget to work with. I mean, maybe Microsoft changes things but who knows?

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The numbers don’t lie.

There’s a reason over half the Horde are Blood Elves.

Pandas are in both factions yet are vastly outnumbered by Blood Elves.

I wonder why

LOL, long before the Dracthyr Blizzard created Kul Tirans (never did the skinny model that was also supposed to be a thing if i remember right) and so they proved that they are willing to do things that people didn’t ask for that will get even a tiny amount of game time. At their core KT is literally just another human (folks would have loved to play Vrykul instead of tall fat people that no one plays) and then Blizzard went and said nope, KT can’t be Paladins even though they are humans…it’s all really kind of ridiculous. As for Dracthyr, that is a whole microcosm of what is going on with Blizzard and WoW, the old team would have recognized that what was going to be released was NOT what fans wanted but the “new” team was like let’s do it anyways with lizardmen instead of giving the playerbase what it would like in an actual Dragon race. I mean it’s not like they don’t already have a base model to work from with the Draconid…but they chose to go with tiny/skinny lizardmen and call them Dracthyr. It’s actually pretty mindboggling but it is what it is.

I wouldn’t mind Tuskarr personally and honestly i think they would be enjoyed more than the new earth dwarves are going to be, maybe not but i got a collective hohum from the new race announcement. Like there are probably at least 5 SOLID other races that folks would like to play and NO ONE asked for this new race.


The thing about Tuskarr is that they are only in DF and northrend, really nowhere else. They almost with 100% surety are not in the next expansion. Same with ogres. Same with gnolls. Same with anything “the people want.”

They aren’t going to release a race in a total vacuum. Even void elves had a tenuous connection to legion even though they basically had nothing to do with BfA and still suffer from a serious lack of NPCS.

And you know what, people hated that. Like it or not, earthen are on theme. Like it or not, midnight is about elves meaning we will definitely see more elves. High elves? It’s certainly possible as that would be the precise time to do it.

I mean at least mechagnomes had an entire zone setting them up. At least KT, even though their models are uggo so no one plays them, were a main focus of that entire expansion.

I do hope we get other kinds of trolls and I hope their druid forms are as unique and different as this troll.

They are never going to add races just to add them. Void elves did kind of feel that way but people didn’t like it, so I’d say there are fewer chances of even something like that happening again.

I would venture the theory that midnight is going to be an elf expansion purely as an excuse to release high elves, for instance. They will warp an expansion around a race, or a race around an expansion, but they won’t release a thing “just cause people want it.”


Gotta love the fallacy of this logic.

There is no one playing Tuskarr right now only because Tuskarr are not playable. The same applies to any added race. Everything has its audience. And not everyone is enticed by a different flavour of elf.


The irony of this coming from a Zandalari Troll - one of the most insular cultures in the entire WoW universe.