The Art Team Failed This Season

I disagree, I think all of the tier sets look great this season, paladin’s especially.

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OP said they didn’t like the new Paladin set.

That was the entire point of their post.

Did you even read it, or were you too busy making it all about you?

Yup bunch of reskinned mounts and mobs. Nothing new. They phoned it in this time around for sure.

Yeah? And? What paladin set is he comparing it to? What’s the difference between this set and the former ones that he doesn’t like or aren’t satisfactory?

Did you even read my post or make it all about you?

Oh okay so just gotta do the 10.1 questline for those pieces then?. They look sweet.

OP should have just had you write their post for them.

Clearly, it wasn’t up to your standards, Lord of the Forums.

I think this tier is way better than the Vault of Incarnates, which all looked like various designs for shaman tier.

You can have your friends back without saying cringe things such as “I would tread lightly if I was you”.

It was his best friend that initiated the conversation with me lmao.

I never said it couldn’t. I think some of the sets are tired. I said this the second they were previewed. That doesn’t mean I believe the WoW art team failed. There’s a difference between having an opinion and drawing a conclusion.

That wasn’t an argument so surely he isn’t referring to that.

If you interpreted it that way then that’s your own fault. It was a lighthearted jab at how ridiculous I think the OPs opinion is.

Being an evoker really changed my perspective on this. I don’t even remember what the evoker set looks like because it doesn’t matter. All I can see is the shoulder and the 3D part of the belt, and I can pretty much guarantee neither will match any of the barbershop armor for dracthyr so it would be dumb to use it.

I don’t know you personally, therefor I can not attack your personal traits.
The topic at hand is whether or not the art team failed.
You are the one bringing your real life into this, “ganging up” with IRL friends and taking this beyond the scope off opinions on a cosmetic item.

That’s not what you said. You’re rephrasing it now to sound less threatening… because it was a (weak) threat. :rofl:

“First off thats one of my best friends so I would tread lightly if I were you.”

Again I’ll ask, what are the repercussions of not treading lightly :thinking:

I loved the priest set at first (the transmog) but I actually don’t like it now that I can view it more clearly in game. However I absolutely LOVE the cloth gear from the world content. I think it’s so pretty, really excited to get my hands on it.

Especially on elves, it looks like a royal garb a prince would wear or something.


Yeah, makes a lot of sense to say that when I am wondering what exactly is their reasoning. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Says mr. let-me-stick-my-nose in and tell a poster how DARE they WONDER why someone dislikes a certain set. How DARE they request any comparisons? I am wondering who really is the lord of all forums here. Maybe add in a lord of stick my nose in for no reason too. And a lord of when-I don’t-make-sense, resort to sassy comments to cover up. :rofl:

Nice face btw, but that’s a little too much blush. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Yes! My main is a belf and it’s very nice on her. Even trumps the heritage set imho.

You know at some point a logical person would go “Ive been a real clown about this whole situation especially with 3 people all calling me on my nonsense. Maybe I should stop and switch topics.” But you do the classic “let me double down and hold my position, theyre wrong im right.”

There can be no reasoning or rationalization with people of your ilk or mental state especially when you think “tread lightly” is in the same vain as a threat when its a common phrase used to tell someone to watch their mouth.

I didnt bring my best friend into this, they saw I posted something, shared the same stance and agreed with me…isnt all that hard of a realization to come by and im wasting time and detracting what my post is about by arguing with someone who couldnt be bothered to open a dictionary and grasp the definition of the term “logic”

Also you asking me “what will happen if I continue to bad mouth people” is the biggest load of bait, if I even gave a slight example of something that could be done based on how you would frame it id look like the bad guy and im not about to fall into that

You want a reason? Alright lets compare pally tier with priest. Paladin is bland, dull, the coloring is semi ok but it just looks like a lazy thrown together at the last second set with the only distinguishable feature being the helmet and the basic goofy looking shoulders with gems in the center.

Priest on the other hand…the helmet is amazing and looks like a face plate covered in holy robes that resembles something you might catch someone in Diablo 4 wearing and the halo surrounding it accents the head mog. The shoulders having a pair of small angelic wings sets it apart from all other sets and just looks fantastic and if that was the pally set when you popped wings you would look like some biblical descriptions of an arch angel. Coupled with a chest and leg pieces that look like pieces of holy cloth with metal plates sewn into the fabric and the coloration of red, white and gold just makes it look spectacular

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That’s a flat out lie that dev told. It was immediately met with statements of the opposite about the whole crisis thing and the guy let the cat out of the bag bring up diversity and inclusion in that it is people quitting because they’re not getting their childish demands met.

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Screenname “Prîdë” . . . why am I not surprised.

…What cringe about saying “Leave my friend alone” here?.. I mean, that’s essentially what’s he saying here. Cringe or not.

…And? This doesn’t exactly give you, or them the right to throw ad-homs really.

Fair enough on that.

…That’s basicly what an Ad-hom is…
Their really not agruments that has anything to do with the topic were discussing. The person’s age is just as relevant as their avatar’s race.

…How is it my fault that you’re dismissing somebody because their young?..

…You know, if you’re going to tell others not to say cringe things, it would’ve been better for you to not fallback to the “It’s just a joke” cliche after when somebody calls your ad-hom, ad-hom.

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the pally set has the colour scheme (ish) of… i think t1 priest set? it’s kinda ballin.

Unrelated i’m sure.

But the Priest Tier looks amazing this time around.
