The Art Team Failed This Season

I think in all honesty my want to raid this tier has been sapped from me if not for my current guild hyping me up for the raid to which im excited to see but my class (Ret Paladin) our tier set is…holy crap this is god awful work.

Granted this is a light hearted jab since the blizzard art team is usually spot on with designs and trailers but I cannot stress enough at how bad the paladin set looks, but im not alone in this. Monk and Demon Hunter also got the short end of the stick with how freaken terrible our tier sets look as well as DK just looking like a lazy copy of an old Wrath set with some nip and tuck thrown in.

If I was the head of the art team and honestly they showed me what they designed for paladin I would pray to god the next piece of paper they handed me was a letter of resignation along with it.

If im being honest they could improve the class sets by shaving off the time it takes to design Druid and Evoker since 95-99% of the tier set design is basically wasted on these classes anyway


Can you post some art comparisons to highlight your point on what exactly is different and not satisfactory?!


Don’t blame the art team, blame corporate for constantly dwindling down the art team’s resource and team itself.


I actually think it looks amazing >>;


edit: It’s possible to obtain the warrior set excluding the chestpiece if you want to avoid the option as pally or dk.


Bruh it’s got heavy plate, it’s got a skirt, it’s got preposterously sized shoulders, it’s got shining lights, what more could a paladin ask for? For once it’s not in eye-damaging colors, I guess you might just be unused to that.

Just be glad you’re not poor hunters, a recycled Vault helm plus some scraps from the reject bin. sigh


This entire expansion has been a huge victory for the art team.
After the boring nothing blandness that was ZM, dirt would be nicer to look at, but instead they gave us some of the best art this game has seen since BFA.


“Bob, where’s the restroom?”

“Oh, it’s right over there…” (Lifts arm too high, jabs self in head with pointy shoulder, dies.)


Nah. They did make some questionable decisions (looking at you monk tier set) but they have also made some of the best sets in the game (Priest, Warriors, Rogues, etc). In the grand scheme of things, the paladin set isn’t even that bad.

Also, the new armor sets for Zaralek Caverns are amazing.


Have you seen hunters set ?

They did a fantastic job on S1 tier looks and did a complete 180* turn for S2.

The only sets i didn’t like were Hunter/Demon Hunter…Druid and shaman cuttin it real close though idk how i feel about that. Everything else looks great though, priest got me acting unwise

As a priest, I am happy with our set this season— been a minute since being shafted during SL tiers lmao

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The Pally set is garbage, sure, the legs have no 3D textures and the boots are flip-flops. But there’s plenty of other fantastic looking sets, so saying the art team failed as a whole just makes you look like a whiney b****



Rogue tier set looks amazing.

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Demon Hunter normal tier for the new raid screams blood elf themed and I like it


Ah, there it is. OP is still upset that the Priest set is better than the Pally set.


Just because your personal tastes were not met doesn’t mean the art team failed.

Jealously has reared it’s ugly head. The real issue.

I personally think the Paladin set looks good.

Yep. That was my initial thought too.


My friend also agrees with you, it’s just i personally don’t like it. Looks like it belongs back in BFA which, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, Tomb gear was fire, but eh.

I think we can at least all agree that the Priest set is phenomenal to look at.

Congrats Priests. Enjoy


Tomb was in Legion.