The Art Team Failed This Season

Nah I feel you, some of the tier sets look like complete garbo. Havoc’s looks like a basic crafted set you’d make at the beginning of an expansion.

Meanwhile, the leather intro gear you get from the 10.1 campaign looks amazing. I made a DH mog out of it and will likely continue to use it over the tier appearance when I get it lol

All of which I hate or find bland AF. Ignoring the ToS HD remake set Hunter’s last good Class Specific transmog set was in WotLK.

Not just leather, Mail looks amazing as well! They hit all the armor types out of the park with the campaign set + recolors.

I’m sorry but if using Shannox’s head as a helmet in a tier set doesn’t please you I doubt anything in game will.

I’m glad to know this cuz I don’t like the pali set either, but warrior’s is top tier.

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That is so bad ngl

lol posts like these always crack me up.

“What? You have an opinion??? Provide me a list of examples as to why you have that opinion, and I shall disregard each and every single one!”

By the way, I disagree with the OP. I think the Blizzard Art Team is the department that always hits a home run… but demanding examples for an opinion always make me chuckle…

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How do you already have that set?. Does it drop in the new zone?.

I dont care. You make it sound like the art team failed. they didnt because you dont personally like one race.
the art is spectacular in this expansion. your personal lack of love for the race isnt relevant. And that doesnt mean every single item in the entire expansion is A+ either.
Lets just stop with the hyperbole. overall this is a fantastic looking expansion

Hard disagree.

The Art Team failed in SL - some of the ugliest zones (Maldraxus) I’ve ever seen in WoW, along with some of the worst, practical joke bad armorsets I’ve ever seen.

DF is definitely a huge step up from SL IMHO. Heck, this season’s priest set is arguably the best priest set I’ve ever seen. So good, I think they screwed up and meant to give it to Paladins (along with all their other buffs), but after its reception by priests, feel they can’t walk it back now.

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How is it bad? It have the same theme like every other demon hunter tier from legion:

Open chest because “I am my scars”, pointy thorns, hood

Out of all the tints the normal set looks really awesome as a blood elf

It is easier for me to list what I like … Tier 2, Tier 6, Tier 10 (but barely), Tier 16, Tier 17, Tier 18, Tier 19, Tier 20 and this latest tier.

ZM was one of the laziest looking zones Ive seen. Ardenwield and Revendreth saved the art time up to that point.
the mog art was so bad I didnt bother with much of any of it. There was literally nothing the entire expansion that I thought “man, I got to have that”.

DF is amazing by comparison.

You claim hyperbole and then write that whole paragraph lol. This xpac doesn’t even come close to MOP.

The Drakthyr race is so bad that the whole model should be scrapped, remade properly and then an apology from the art team should be issued for their massive failure.

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I didn’t hate ZM, though maybe I was just overjoyed at not having to look at the Maw ever again. Speaking of awful zones the art team failed on, holy crap, if I never see another zone like the Maw or Korthia again, it’ll be too soon. Amazed those didn’t pop in my head, I suspect I might be repressing those like a traumatic memory.

Ardenweld was gorgeous, yes. Revendreth… I can appreciate it didn’t suck from an art point of view, but I hated navigating that zone so damn much that I have no positive feeling from it.

But yes, DF compared to SL is awesome.

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This isnt Mists. Its DF. Had they made it like Mists youd be here tossing fits that it was like Mists.

The body style of the Dracthyr is lackluster in concept. Artistically its fine for what they had in mind. They just had something in mind for the model that isnt impressive.

Im done talking to you about it friend. Its not a debate. I like it. You dont. thats as far as we need to go here.

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I only bothered with it for gear once we got in and I could see it. Not impressive either content or art wise, in my personal opinion.
I just felt like the art team had that screw it moment and went to lunch with it.
Not that there was much to work with. The zone as a whole just felt like patchwork nothing to keep us busy.
Again, personally speaking

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Yeah, that’d make a lot more sense if he did post a number of reasons and I did disregard them. But its just you assuming stuff here. :rofl:

Its not a “demand.” I am not forcing the OP to do anything. If they want me to understand their POV, there has to something for me to agree with logically, or not? Or do I just randomly flip a coin and agree/disagree? Because I never saw any difference from their art style before. :roll_eyes:

What makes me chuckle is the fact that you seem to think that you can have opinions and everyone must agree with them without understanding why you’re having those opinions. And if they don’t then they’re just crazy for even wondering. :melting_face: :upside_down_face:

as usual the ret main always finds a reason to complain.

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Well, let’s see what you can do.

Nah this is the intro starter gear for the 10.1 quest line. Its just the head shoulders and hand pieces