The Art Team Failed This Season

First off thats one of my best friends so I would tread lightly if I were you. Secondly you got a really smart mouth for someone claiming to not want to come in here and argue yet “just stating my opinion” by again ad hominem attacks isnt “just stating an opinion”

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Ngl, they look alright.

Love the pointy shoulders though.

Will say, the color choice for DH’s however is garish. Mainly the silver bit. There’s a such thing as too much silver.

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The ONE thing that makes me angry.

Of all the evoker sets that use gold trim on them, none of them actually match the gold on the dracthyr customization armor. The one thing I would hope for is that Evoker armor that can only be worn by Dracthyr would MATCH the DRACTHYR armor colors that we have.


I personally like S2 hunter on Vulpera. Doesn’t work well with belfs though.

I dunno, the heroic set looks alright for Demon Hunters and can help the Darkfallen appearance. :thinking:

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It looks good to me

Lol- I would completely fail if I worked here. No idea what this community wants. I think the new sets are some of the best in several years, minus the shoulders. They’re also really easy to combine with other pieces and emulate some form of functionality (again minus the shoulders).

I need you to know how hysterical that is and how ridiculous you sound. I should report you for threatening me but I am so un-intimidated right now that I couldn’t even put it into words. When you typed that out… what exactly was your follow up going to be?

Your friend got upset with me because I disagreed with you. It’s cute and all, but can the two of you stop trying to take some morale high-ground on a conversation about if we do or do not like a cosmetic. It is so weird.

Also my “arguments” are not ad hominem. I never targeted you (unlike you and your friend) .
I said your opinion that the art team failed was dramatic.

I could have said something like “Who cares about the opinion of someone who plays Tauren Paladin”. That would have been ad hominem.
Or “If you were good enough to raid Mythic you’d get the better set so don’t whinge”.

I guess ad hominem was the phrase of the week in school or something.

PS I couldn’t help but notice that you’re currently transmogged (not just wearing) multiple elements of a 10.1 set.
The art team couldn’t have failed that bad then, huh?

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I wanna sit down and talk to the person that thought that the hunter set “looked good enough” to use, absolutely despise the colors (heroic and mythic look ok color wise) and style of it imo.

Mm. True.

…Wait, that’s heroic? I thought it was Mythic.

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…What, him being protective of his best friend? I don’t blame him for that.

People who are best friends with other people, tend to not not enjoy seeing that best friend in anguish.

…Yet this comment exists so, seems like you just did put it into words.

While i’m personally fine with how they look and don’t agree with Ansuba, just because something is cosmetic, doesn’t mean it can’t be criticized. And mind you, i don’t think the Art Team failed here. Doesn’t mean i think they succeeded either.

He’s referring to your “Is there no school today or something” comment where you heavily imply the person you were disagreeing with is young enough to go to school as ad-hom, because it has nothing to do with the arguments that other person was making.

…Except you’ve essentially (not explicitly, essentially) said “Who cares about the opinion of somebody who i think is young” to somebody else by talking about their age and dismissing based on that. By your own logic, that is an ad-hom.

That would be like if i say the same exact thing back at you because i assumed your older then me.

Not to mention, you’ve said this… :point_down:

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All of these are ad hominem which in case you forgot the definition is a statement made to attack someone based on their personal traits rather than the topic at hand. Very good attempt at pivoting and attempting to gaslight into saying you didnt do the thing you clearly did while also trying to uphold your smug attitude of having. amoral high ground…its rather cute really.

If you actually wanted to give an opinion it would be something along the lines of “I think youre wrong on how the pally set looks because blah blah blah” and go from there…which you never elected to do.

Please by all means quote me directly where I said I would cause physical or bodily harm in anyway to you which would constitute a threat. What i said was “be careful how you talk to my friend” which is the same thing a mother would say to their child to remind them of manners they should take into account

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Not crazy about evoker tier set, but it doesn’t matter because they did me a solid and made a sexy set of questing greens


You’re kidding right? The drakthyr model is the worst race model ever put into the game.

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Well then I don’t agree with your taste… Because quite honestly this to me is one of the better looking plate tier sets I’ve seen come out of the art department in a long time. The actual bonuses… no clue… but you were talking art department…

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youre talking one race. Im talking the content as a whole

I can say there are better plate sets honestly though ill respect your opinion. The ZM pally set in shadowlands was great, the wrath pvp set was fantastic, the cataclysm set was great (think I have that right the set with the wing shoulder on the right and bat wing on the left) some legion sets were pretty good but if they wanted to make this set extraordinary they would have looked at the paladin challenge mode set and went “maybe if we took this and made it more dragon-y it will look pretty good”

The new race is the centerpiece of the xpac and they fumbled it horribly.

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LOL OP complaining about Pally set… Pallies have so many good tier sets.

Hunter’s haven’t had a decent class set since TBC. Also the same time they had the last good Gun transmog too.

Hunters have had many amazing sets since TBC… murloc set, Yaungol set, Naga set from mythic Antorus… Flamewalker set from firelands. Many such cases.