I do agree with you, however, read my post above this one.
No no, everyone is right, housing is a dumb prospect and I was an idiot for wanting it. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time…
Nm them. Some people love to disagree and say no to stuff, even if the idea would be 100% optional to them.
Don’t know why so many people are like that.
Garrison/farm: instanced plot of land.
Class hall: visual representation of collected sets and items.
Housing: Instanced plot of land with visual representation of collected items. And make it give you rested exp.
Can’t really fully customize my toons if i can’t tattoo them up. For some reason the only race that can do tattoos and not be a demon hunter or night borne and lightforged is male night elves.
So I’m a bit salty about that.
Housing isn’t a dumb prospect. I’d love it in the game. I could have multiple for all my toons and have them be unique to either their class and or race. It would be fun.
I have houses(strongholds) in swtor and houses in EQ2, id love it for wow.
A lot of people are saying it is, especially those who just keep coming at me about it, they’re right, the numbers aren’t there and it wouldn’t be profitable…
Like a sub house, and a dom house? Is this compulsory, or do I have the option?
Even if WoW gets made to support customizable housing, I question the ability of the devs to handle its customization, seeing how character customization went and only five options for glasses from the new vendor (I can think about 10+ styles off the top of my head).
It can’t be a one-time thing. Every time content gets added, it also has to include housing items. Every major and micro holiday would need to have something new to contribute as a reward, as well.
Would be it purchasable items, RNG drops, or a combination of both?
Will it be gated?
Choose whatever style or color we want?
I agree with those that said it would only be sub-standard. We’d only be given half of what’s suggested, and when we ask about the rest, people get looked at as ungrateful. It’s like asking for a car but getting just the chassis on wheels.
Housing would actually help the game despite the naysayers. Every mmo on the market has housing and yet wow doesn’t? Seems bad.
If blizzard wants to turn a profit and possibly get more people either back or playing for the first time, housing would be a huge start.
It’ll be completely optional, expand the professions in a way to finally make them useful again and even if a few don’t like it, the majority would. It’ll breath some much needed new life into the game.
Considering that a majority of players in FF14 aren’t even allowed to have a house because of a limited quantity…
It obviously doesn’t matter to most players. Restricting access to the housing system doesn’t seem to have driven anyone from the game.
In contrast, games that have freely available housing and great design flexibility have not attacted a ton of players
Limited housing is ffs own fault. That game is not my concern though.
As for other games with housing. EQ2 has a hug playerbase and they have housing. Swtors playerbase may not be huge but it’s a decent size and it has housing in the form of strongholds. Even eso has housing and from what I’ve heard their playerbase is growing.
Number of players isn’t synonymous with housing being popular or not.
You just claimed that adding housing would get people to play WoW…
When clearly the examples given do not support that. You listed 2 FTP MMOs and a buy to play MMO as successful competition when neither of the actual market leaders have freely available housing
No I said it might bring people back if thats something they’re interested in. I also said possibly and how it would be a huge start. Not that it was the only way.
I never once mentioned competition. I listed mmos that have successfully implemented housing as an optional thing but isn’t the reason those games are successful.
Dozens of them, I bet.
Player housing is one of the last avenues Blizzard has to go down for an expansion feature, you can expect it to show up.
Will it be perfect? probably not. But they’ve never made everyone happy, and you can’t expect it with this community.
If the rumors I’ve heard of the next expac being the dragon isles or light/void and turalyons crazy army of the light are true than that would be the most opportune time to bring in housing.
Hypothetically someone violates another person against their will that person is called a (term that blizzard prevents from being typed). If the person who violated another against their will dislikes the term (that blizzard refuses to be allowed), are we to conform to their desires or call it as it is?
Of course blizzard doesn’t like the word I guess….
You probably don’t agree or consider that an extreme case but if you haven’t been paying attention to politics recently there is some really screwed up stuff that follows this “logic”.
The argument that it would stop players from interacting always bothered me since, in every MMO with player housing I’ve ever played, people loved to show off their house and have events and parties in them. Player housing has always helped communities not hinder them.
We need more of this.
I honestly don’t care either way, if they have it they have it, I probably won’t engage with it personally, I didn’t care much for it in ESO, but I also know people who really like housing and obsessively decorate them.