If you want to do the raid drop method – drop the item and not the pattern. Especially in a game where you can have only two professions, this doesnt make any sense to do.
Good call. Either that or having furnishings as an additional proffesion that everyone can have.
I would invite you to check out some of the housing systems in other MMOs…
I would say ESO has the best housing system on the market right now…but by your definition it is horrible
I’m just don’t feel that what you are looking for would be a great system
I’m in complete agreement with you, but I want to point something out as far as Garrisons are concerned:
This is really something that should have followed us every expac after it’s inception.
But I still want a house.
I don’t see why they can’t improve upon the Garrison/MoP garden concept with housing.
As far as player housing is concerned. While I am content with my garrisons and class halls, if they do implement housing they’d have to go through every expac and zone in said expac and prepare the coding to accommodate it.
I know for a fact that if we got housing people would want to choose where they set it up and that would take tons and tons of work on blizzards part to insure it can be done. Plus all the unique features like say dk or dh or mage and whatnot types of decorations.
With blizzs track record lately I’m not convinced they’d put in even a fraction of the total work it would take to make it happen. Especially if it takes the limelight off thier precious mdi, esports and world firsts nonsense.
I said this development team. The current team. The one that’s been building player power into every system since Legion, not the MoP team. Also: pet battles in Nazjatar had player power implications. I hated being forced to pet battle for reputation in that patch.
BS. The farm and garrison both prove that instanced plots of land work fine in WOW.
Tbh something like Garrisons-lite would be cool. Pick an instanced environment to plop your house down in, choose from a variety of building layouts and architectural styles, maybe with a farm or mine or fishing hole or animal pen or some such of your choice that can generate mats from any expansion of your choosing on a daily basis maybe with a weekly bonus and then have a separate ‘indoors’ instance for plopping down furnishings and collectibles from the wider game world. Doesn’t have to be overly elaborate like Wildstar (Not that it saved that game)
But nah that dev time can be better spent introducing some throwaway feature used for one expansion and then shelved forever after, I’m sure.
I love your sarcasm, cutting commentary like a spork through slightly-melted ice cream.
Speaking for myself, I have no interest in player/guild housing.
Give me player housing!
Imagine all the time and effort they spent on wafrtons island expeditions and torghatst went into player housing.
yeah for a company that wants to pad play time out, they sure arent willing to give us many options to do so. Housing would be a surefire way to keep a lot of us going a while.
Wow I would rather have the housing and put it in the damn game and update every expac.
Odd people are concerned the rare ottoman will drop from mythic raids and you need kSM for the perfect drapes.
Let’s get the feature in the game first.
If you want see good player housing check out Swords of Legends
I want my own broken-down shack outside Brill.
Without a massive overhaul of the entire game engine there never will be more than what the Garrisons were. The game and its world isn’t set up for anything like that.
I think it’s a bit of a fallacy to say they’d have to rebuild the entire engine to accommodate housing when the garrison tech already exists in-game.
They could copy and tweak that system, taking care not to make the same mistakes in WoD which allowed players to camp in them 24/7, of course. Instead of a fort, its a large building. Instead of building pads, they’re places for decoration (tables, trophies, etc).
Buildings and decorations could be repurposed from existing assets – basic house-like structures for each race already exists in game, as do basic amenities such as beds, tables, chairs, sofas, benches, bookshelves, etc.
This is something literally 1 person on the team could be tasked with doing.
How many people actually want housing? I would say not enough if Blizzard hasn’t implemented it yet.
It would be cool and all but it’d be a pretty hefty cost on their end. Let’s face it, the models currently in game are not sufficient enough for housing. That’s a lot of art they’d need to build, not to mention an entire system to manage designing houses.
Side note: If they do it FF14 style it wouldn’t kill public areas at all. Though they may need to up the vanity gear game a bit. Players love standing around in Limsa/Ul’dah showing off their glamour.
If you compare garrison to what an actual player housing system should be, I have even more reason to not want it. Garrisons was farmville but in WoW. Every player had the same building available not customisation beside guards/banners. It’s a far cry from the customisation that you think about when you think player housing.
They’ve yet to put anything in the game you can customise to your liking, beside on your own character.
Doesn’t fly: look at Wildstar. A game that had a lot of potential but bombed before they could fix it, but the housing system was awesome in that game.
I think that’s what honestly sparked my curiosity with that game (I don’t play any other MMO’s outside of WoW).
There is nothing stopping Bliz from experimenting with those kinds of features.
What should have happened was our Garrisons should have followed us into the next expac. That would have given Bliz a chance to make modifications to the systems and honestly, I probably could have accepted that as “housing.”
But if Bliz were to actually let me have my Forsaken Mansion, I’d want something similar to the housing system in Wildstar.
When was the last time we actually got a new profession?? We’ve been due a new one for a lot of years now.