The Anti Anti-Housing thread!

I know you’re not trying to equalize SA with having a pronoun preference.

Please tell me you’re not trying to do that, because that would be the most intellectually dishonest thing I’ve read this morning.

Unless a “trans” man removes his “man” part, he should NEVER EVER be allowed into a woman’s bathroom. Even then trans should have their own bathroom. Do you agree? If not look up
loudoun county trans R (I’m sure you understand the intended word). That’s one example, other examples are where inmates in California claim to be female & get moved to a female jail. The “unexplained” rise in pregnant females in female ONLY prisons… dude those maybe outliers but it’s a problem that merely being a “decent” person actually helps to facilitate. Which means you are assisting to the attacks on those women.

There are also cases where men only claim to be women to enter women’s sports and dominates the sport. If you literally hate women then I’d understand why you support pronouns.

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I didn’t even know there was an anti-housing thread to begin with. I swear some people just want to be contrarian fun police no matter the issue.

Fully support player housing, OP, only seen it benefit the games that it’s implemented in. Hell, the biggest thing most people remember fondly of the late Wildstar was its housing.


How about we keep the politics out of a player housing thread and if this is an issue take it up on Reddit or make your own dang thread, okay?

Dude why do you hate women and support their victimization?!

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I don’t hate it, but this is a discussion of PLAYER HOUSING.

Do you inject political and culture arguments into every conversation?

The only problem with housing is the “limited prime real-estate” concept.

You could bet fine money that it’d be abused by boosting communities on day 1 to spam advertise their services.

Don’t think using a ‘Limited’ real-estate thing like FF14 would be good for WoW, considering the numbers.

Just do it as instanced ‘plots’ and call it a day.

coping post

Oh go back to Classic with your PS2 graphics and your talent trees :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it’d have to be instanced. If it was global to a shard it’d be as terrible as the front porch of Orgrimmar bank, with all the boosting community spam accounts bot advertising their services 24/7.

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cope about it

You’re fun! XD

alienware phone

Sneakyjimmy is high on copium.

proof or no???

Don’t pick on him! It’s hard for him to cope when he’s stuck in the past!