It’s that time again to talk about Player/Guild housing. Many a naysayer will have the usual arguments and of course I am down for Housing in WoW, it finally needs to happen to give us something to do besides the usual daily.
Lemmie go down the basics before I tear apart the usual Anti-Housing arguments.
1.) 100% optional like Transmog, Pet Battles, and Mount Collecting.
2.) Professions won’t be joke
3.) Finally something to do between raiding and such!
Okay and GO!
-Argument #1-
"You already have housing, it's called Garrisons!"
While yes, the Garrison DOES exist, it isn’t what we would consider player housing. We can upgrade it and customize it, but it is such a miniscule thing that it barely is anything; we cannot have anything intrinsically different from someone else’s Garrison!
It’s like we’re asking for a handmade, lovingly cooked meal, not a frozen-in-the-middle greasy Hot Pocket where the only garnish is adding shredded cheese; yes the Hot Pocket with Cheese is considered ‘food’, it’s barely there.
The Garrison was too much utility and not enough creativity; think Transmog.
-Argument #2-
"It will make the cities completely empty as people sit in their houses!"
And your idea of a ‘lively’ world is people sitting around Oribos/Stormwind/Orgrimmar/Any Hub City shrieking political arguments, trolling, and being toxic?
Housing could be more than just sitting around; you wouldn’t earn more furniture or decorations merely sitting around the house, you have to go out into the world!
Think about it, much like transmog or battle pets, you can have furniture have a chance to drop at a low rate, AND with the idea of people having them BoA or BoE, you can make good money on the AH; roleplayers like myself would spend good gold on such things much like how we can find good stuff for Transmog.
The professions would be able to make things too, would make them actually money making throughout.
AND housing would be evergreen content, something OPTIONAL to do between content droughts.
-Argument #3-
"But it'll cost us a raid tier!"
We already have two raids in SL and in WoD; We can make it a .5 patch thing rather than a full on fledged thing, simple as that!
-Argument #4-
"Blizzard won't do it, only dying games will do it!"
But is FF14 dying? SWTOR? EQ 1 and EQ 2? ESO? Wildstar may have gone the ghost, there are multiple games that having housing and it is a LUCRATIVE business that isn’t auction housing; I’ve known people in some of these games who are interior decorators and make about as much in-game currency as someone who can flip the AH like someone who took business as a minor in college!
Housing is so much more than you realize guys, it is a gateway to making WoW be a lived-in world; Casuals make up a majority of the playerbase, while yes we roleplayers are a VERY miniscule number within that, we are still paying customers.