How far we moving the needle this time? Calling people what they wanna be called is “woke” now, so I guess high fives will be the next thing to go.
Compared to other games attempts that I found largely failed despite the games themselves at the time feeling sound, I have to say I just have no faith they could pull it off. Cool if they could, more power to them, I just get the feeling this may be something that is almost never done right.
You would’ve loved the stuff in Wildstar, AMAZING works of art.
If you are playing a male toon but want to be referred to as her in a computer game, yeah, that’s pretty “woke”.
Let the game be a game and keep all politics out of it. You open Pandora’s box for your politics you open it for all politics. Don’t do it, you won’t like the result.
Once again, calling people what they want to be called is not “political”. I don’t think you even realize you’re trying to equalize “voicing political statements” with “common decency”.
If I came up to you, and you said your name was Dave, but I said “nah, you look like Steve to me” and then refused to call you Dave, that’s not politics, that’s being a jerk.
If I came up to you and you asked me to refer to you as a dog, I wouldn’t do that either.
Again, you wanna do that stuff on your own have at it. Leave it out of the computer game.
Being fair, when was the last time players demands were satisfied? Though I agree, the stuff people say are absolute necessities for pohs are just not gonna happen reasonably. I feel like this topics been beat to death and even if Blizz gave us housing, the pro housers or whatever you call them would say it sucks because they can’t stack chairs to the ceiling or they didn’t add enough hot tub options from every expansion.
I don’t know why people are worried about devs spending time on something new. IIRC the Blizz dev team is huge and the people that work on raids (for example) wouldn’t be the same ones that work on design.
Can’t wait until they put rare housing decoration recipes on raid bosses and people lose their minds over it.
My biggest fear about player housing is that it won’t be optional - because this development team has never shown they can build a system that they feel stands on it’s own merits. History has taught me that they WILL tie player power to it. As such, if that’s my choice - mandatory player housing or no player housing - I would prefer no player housing.
Pet battles. No player power associated and it stands on its own.
And it’s optional.
Player housing system will eventually come however don’t think it’s going to be anything like you want.
It will be tome gated
It will be gated behind some boring rep grind
Mythic Raids will drop high quality items
Wow shop will have most of the quality items
it will take you nearly 5 months to grind out the rep or finish getting good items .
If it is an Evergreen system…are any of these a bad thing? For housing to be a standalone system you will need items with different degrees of rarity which also creates a market for players to buy/sell
Most of these things you have listed are in line with other MMOs that have housing systems
My real concern is that the game engine will not be able to support free placement or decoration…which would pretty much make housing worthless. E.g. locked garrison building placement except for furniture
If it’s a basic plot for every toon I could get behind that, as long as it’s not required for player power.
If it’s an exclusive/gold sink/whale magnet like in ff I don’t think it would be good for the game. First off I’d be jelly cause I have no gold, and second it would be token sales driver (real money wins), and overall it would further divide the player base into have and have nots.
It is definitely a bad thing. I’m happy to grind out stuff but at some point it is new up becoming a chore.
Korthia rares for example. All ur doing is logging on tagging a rare. having to do this for months and months isn’t engaging gameplay.
If player housing was going to be a thing it will likely be instanced and you’ll have to invite your friends to ur part so they could see your house.
Sooo…if everybody has access to the same furniture and the same house without grinding or different degrees of rarity
Why would anyone want to look at your house?
It’s just going to have the same stuff as everyone esle
Variations. The larger the inventory the more variation.
all you end up with adding grinds in the game is delaying people getting an item.
If it’s gated behind raids you are catering to raiders and gold whales
Or…what if the patterns drop in raids but the items are able to be sold in the AH
Which creates a new revenue stream for raiders so they don’t have to rely on carry sells to afford raid expenses
All I’m saying is that giving everyone access to the same items with no requirement for farming or gathering is a very boring system
I think the “it costs a raid tier” counter-argument makes no sense because WoW doesnt have a system like housing in the game and does take a large amount of time to build up. Blizzard would literally have to go through a build it from the ground up especially since we have seen different ways for housing being done.
A) Instanced or non-instanced
B) Lottery system or everyone gets one
C) How are furnishings going to be obtained
D) Housing designs
E) Where will these plots be
F) Furnishing design
All of this requires multiple different aspects of the WoW development to team to focus on (art, gameplay, systems) to run efficiently. Its simply not a “.5 release” because of the amount of time it takes for planning and development. FFS, it took SE 10 years to make housing now have a lottery system.
There is no way blizzard would do that.
Happy for some gathering and farming but blizz always takes it too far and makes it a chore.
I would love player housing I just know blizzard would take the fun out of it