The Anti Anti-Housing thread!

WoW isn’t designed for housing.

Go play FF14.

No, seriously. Do it and go to their housing areas. People have mansions lined with snow and Christmas trees and presents.

In a guild hall, you can create a couple hundred individual apartments for the guild members. Some are as authentic as an ancient Japanese temple, while others look like a night club in Vegas with a space ship on the roof.

It’s craaaaazy the amount of things and creativity the players have.

But…WoW IS NOT built to handle that. Not in the least.

I can’t even dye my clothes a different color and you’re asking for thousands upon thousands of different options, placements, themes, color combinations, floor patterns, tile patterns, fencing patterns, different types of grass, different types of mount stables, different pets and minions you can place anywhere, music you can collect and create a playlist from, access to the AH/bank/transmog from your house, different holiday decorations…thousands upon thousands upon thousands of different things with dozens of color combinations…

…and I can’t even dye my staff a different color.

This is why we will not get player housing.

Get it?

The game isn’t built for it and doesn’t have the technology for it.

Why do they regret it?

It’s customizable beyond anything.

Like the 1,000 of the population who want to play SIMS when logged into WoW?

I don’t think more than 1,000 log into WoW to play Extreme Home Makeover.

I would like variable housing options, like different sizes. You should be able to invite your other toons on your account to be co-owners if you want, by giving them a key. Or give other players a key and design rights or no design rights. I mean, maybe some houses have 5 rooms and others have two rooms etc. But house room size should not limit the number of players that can have keys. A guild may want to buy a 20 bedroom building and just give everyone keys.

The important part is the artistic need to show off your creations to a steady flowing passing crowd of people. Just like showing off your skills in raiding. It is 100% about the show off.

Build systems that allow for the show off to show off and you will maintain player interest every time.

However you need to have multiple ways to show off. And currently most of blizzards is limited to numbers based show off.

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OP left off Argument #5, which others have touched on but is the most important of all:

“Many games have shown that while everyone will fiddle with houses for a month, and some people will still be fiddling with it after 2 months, after 3 months player housing will be a ghost town. It isn’t worth the dev effort because while it’s something that a small number of people keep asking for, the history of other games has shown that it’s not something people are interested in long-term.”

FF14 has housing, yet their cities are filled with random naked dancing people, so I guess housing isn’t that fun?

I don’t care for housing at all, and I would not use it. But it could potentially make a ton of money for Blizzard since they could put nice items in the store. They’d just need to hire a separate team to work on it, so no development time gets taken away from other parts of the game. Win win for everyone.

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Their engine was built with housing in mind, so is FF14, so was WildStar (and we know what happened to that game). Saying WoW can just add it just like that is ludicrous. It would probably require a whole engine rebuild, just to end up not that popular.

I don’t think they’re ready for that gamble.

I personally think player housing is dumb and don’t want resources spent on it. Simple as that.

I played FF14 specifically to experience player housing and it is beyond silly.

You seem to be trying to create some kind of angle where there is no valid argument not to do payer housing.

However, it’s simply bad content that in and of its self is enough reason to not do it.

They may not have a choice but to but to take that gamble if the game continues hemorrhaging players. Besides, there’s arguably a LOT of other stuff in this game that wasn’t originally intended to be added to the aging WC3 engine WoW is built around.

There’s a lot they can do before even thinking about rebuilding their engine for housing. There wasn’t any housing in Wrath when they peaked.

  Bit of a basic argument to say, "it's simply bad content" and not iterate any more
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if people want housing, more power to them.

I think it’s a waste of developer time.

for me personally I’ll just go play the sims or minecraft if I want to build a house.

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But why transmog your gear? WoW isn’t a dress-up game?
You also have some leveled up pets, don’t you have Pokemon?


Full on player housing. Along with player created content, in game RP support (like a pronoun picker and bio card). Also, flesh out pet battles. Epic quality pets (like Pokémon shinies) pet breeding, deeper move sets and more archetypes (like wall, physical sweeper, special sweeper, etc).

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this is a bad argument, for one thing your characters armor is something you always see, a house you have to go and seek out.

next you’ll say something about mounts, but mounts again are an essential part of gameplay, a house is not.

additionally, transmog is already in the game, housing is not.

If they can genuinely add housing without skimping on other content then I’m all for housing, hell even though I’m against it now I’d probably even use it.

For now, especially using recent patches as an indicator, I don’t think they can add housing without basically halting development of other gameplay systems.

I can’t stress enough that I’m not against it simply because I’m mean and don’t want other players to have nice things, I’m against it because I just don’t think blizzard will be able to pull it off.

For all we know it’s already planned to be the major feature of 10.0.

I can see what you mean, but a guy can dream, and hey, if they do add it and it’s amazing, I’ll be sure to stop by and give some pointers or enjoy what you make! :smiley:

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if it’s added while it’s definitely not my cup of tea, I’ll for sure have a blast attempting to design a house at least once.

and I admit that I’d love to see the creations of more talented community members.

I remember wowhead posting a long time ago some world of warcraft creations in the sims and they were just absolutely stunning, seeing what those people would create in wow proper would for sure be interesting.

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Totally agree with you. I tried player housing in FF14 as it is often used here as the gold standard for good player housing.

I found it to be incredibly boring and stupid. The sims does it a lot better….

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Hard eye roll.

Leave the woke in the real world. Better yet stop the real world wokeness as well….