The Anti Anti-Housing thread!

That’s exactly what I mean by something they could keep relevant without a whole lot of work. A lot of the knick knacks we’d want in a house have already been made…and like you said, done in each expansion. They could release more stuff on a regular basis without having to make a bunch of new models. Therefore, relatively easy to keep relevant over many years. Every now and again, I think they should create some neat little unique items that players can use just to spice things up a bit.


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That is the most needed and sufficient that we need in a housing system.

Create our own home, which is not created, and has a specific function to everything you find in Stormwind or Ogrimmar.

That’s why Blizzard needs its true housing system, because the WoD Garrison never has been, and never will be.


Housing means all of blizzard? Wow sorry Mr gatekeeper.

Imagine being so dense that one aspect means the entire company.

Sucks when people kill your contrarian arguments doesnt it?

seems like someone needs a binky.

/pat it’ll be okay :smiley:

Who knew stating an opinion on a forum is being contrarian.

I would like a nice place to call home.

And no, someone else wouldn’t be getting it in the divorce.

honestly I’m actually not worried about that, though I do think you’re right. I’m totally fine with them missing the mark on the first shot as long as its something they keep trying one. Like maybe the first version of player housing is pretty meh but over time they can keep adding and tinkering with it until its really cool! I like to think how many versions of raiding we had before they found the one they like now, they didn’t get it totally right the first time but the eventually got there


What makes you think they can develop and polish a fully functioning Housing feature in the length of time it takes them to put out a .5 patch?

Housing would be a front-and-center main feature of an expansion, and it would absolutely result in less standard endgame content no matter when its added, assuming they don’t cheap out on the feature. Art seems to be a pretty big bottleneck for them, and the art required for a not-cobbled-together Housing feature would be rather… a lot.

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I mentioned in another thread, it should be built into a new Stormwind rebuild.
Items that drop from dungeons, raids, legacy dungeons and raids, as well as open world.
Instanced like the garrison/farm.

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I think that mindset can go south really fast when it’s really looked at. For example, I can’t stand pvp. I really don’t like it, complete waste of dev time in my opinion, however that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be worked on. Many people play wow for the pvp alone so blizz see’s it as important. I think wow has a big group of people that would LOVE it, so why not do it? I think if an idea has a decent market why shouldn’t it be added? worst case scenario is it doesn’t get used and is scrapped next expansion

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I wanted a Pandaria feel for mine, considering I roleplay a Lorewalker. Also I wanted to name it and even customize (even a minimum amount) the NPCs in it.

There’s even a frelling ‘Pier 1 Imports’ reference in Boralus, which is a furniture/knick-knack store that I can’t buy knick-knacks in!

Neither can I, but if there is a nice piece of furniture or decor I can snag from it if they add housing, you bet your gold I’d do it.

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Simplest, most concise argument I can make for player housing:

LotRO has had it since 2007.

Just copy that system and put a WarCraft aesthetic on it. Instanced neighborhoods, hook-style decoration system, and the only “utility” is a mailbox and housing matieral/good storage box at the neighborhood entrance.

FFS I can’t figure out why they haven’t done this yet. It would provide an avenue for a profession overhaul, vitalize the player economy, and create another gameplay path for all types of players - casual and hardcore alike.

Since I can’t post links directly:



I have my garrison and my class halls. Thats good enough for me.

Bingo, that is exactly the thought I have too!

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Truth be told. As someone who plays FF14. Most people who buy their house, spend most of the time obtaining the house, then spending time obtaining items to craft items for the house or just buying it and then spending even more time decorating the house, THEN they spend most of their time in the main cities like Limsa just standing around, showing off glamor, or playing music. Most don’t really just sit in their homes after they build them. Some do them to host events though, but a lot tend to just get the house, get the items, decorate it, hang out in the house for a while, then go back to AFKing in the cities. lol


This is the one I tell people when they go “People would just hide away in their homes!” As if they think sitting in the home would generate items for our homes.

The only thing I would do with it in WoW is it would give the same bonus logging out as it would in a Hub; gain Rested EXP.

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you are on a role playing realm - you role play

and tying professions to housing is just something I don’t want to see.

You make it sound like the professions would ONLY BE for housing.

They could have recipes to get, much like being an Enchanter I can make pets and such as well, or Illusions.

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so just like now - no thanks.

Your worst case scenario is your answer.

We have no idea how big that group or how decent that market is, but Blizzard does and they can decide whether or not it’s worth their development time.

So far it has not been.

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